Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning will hold a press conference at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow, November 5th in the Nebraska State Capitol Rotunda in Lincoln.Get your yard signs ready.
And once again, who else?
And at 9pm this evening, a Tweet from Attny Gen Bruning:
Announcement tomorrow morning 10am re Sen Nelson's Senate seat. Isn't it time we rein in Federal Spending and take America back?
God help us all
gotta be someone
Great! We'll be one step closer to a state crawling with unwanted children!
Where's Shane Osborn when ya need to be rescued?
Cupping with Jon over Joe. How sweet. Is that why he still owes
half a million to that San Fran firm for all those annoying ads.
Ah yes! Buy the Big O and there's no place like Nebraska.
Check it out at Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission. View campaign filings and see where home boy Jon invests his dollars.
The only way the seat stays in Democrat control is if Nelson does't run. So who will be the replacement for Nelson?
State Senator Lathrop
State Senator Ashford
State Senatro Mello......
For the Republican's the whole shooting match is the Primary.
WOW Ian Russell is already on the job?
Andrew Northwall's head just exploded.
It's gotta be Bruning.
Lee Terry is following the Glen Cunningham career path. He can serve 4-5 more terms, then have a lake named after him. Shane Osborne really needs a congressional seat first, but there's a logjam of cute, cuddly Republicans. Maybe he should move to Iowa.
Pete Ricketts does not have a clue on how to run a campaign. Maybe if he had better help, but that's a big maybe.
Stenberg falls into the same category has Ricketts, without the money.
Get used to seeing that Bruning water tower.....
Wow. Only 2 days after the election, and Bruning already hints he's going for the next job, which will mean he uses his current office to promote himself. And then Stenberg, not even in office yet, says he's going to consider it if Heineman doesn't reconsider. So much for HIM doing his job, too. Seriouly, do Republicans only care about themselves and their careers? I'm going to love seeing how people hold Heineman accountable for the hole Nebraska has to dig itself out of. Oh, wait....you can't admit Republicans have had full control and got us here in the first place. That would mean being realistic. Screw that.
Is that a picture from his dating profile? Good lord I hope that isn't something from his different campaigns...
Seems to me there was a junior senator from Illinois who quit before the end of his term. And then there was a senator from Delaware who quit before the end of his term. And didn't the Secretary of State quit before the end of her term, and the Interior Secretary, and the Secretary for Homeland Security...?
Is there a 'stupid' test to be an anonymous commenter here?
Amen to Nathan. Whatever consultant that got half a mil needs to be shot AND his report shows David Boomer getting a payment. Say what? David Boom Boom Boomer. You remember Dave don't ya? Lee Terry's pitbull. Aged pit bull, but still swift on his feet to give us that stupid stuff just one more time. And? Ya wonder why people are interested enough to vote.
Memo to Jon: Lose the mug for the mug shot. Somebody was pulling your finger again counselor.
Oh yeh, then there was the guy named Johanns whose laundry list of quitting is a long one.
Rumor is that the Gov is setting up a presidential exploratory committee. You heard it here first.
RWP, did you vote on Tuesday?
No, I didn't think you did considering you weren't registered as of a week ago and it was past the deadline.
Jon Bruning will make a great senator.
Bruning would be a great Senator and vote the will of Nebraska.
That is why all of the freaks are spinning hard.
Say what you want about Bruning but he will not betray Nebraska like Ben Nelson did. Ben Nelson is an embarasment to this state.
I have a soft spot for Bruning: he was willing to smack Hagel in a primary challenge. I'm not saying I will vote for him in the primary, but I appreciate the courage.
I also think Fortenberry should seriously consider running. The next 2 years will be the best opportunity he's ever had to crank out some accomplishments and look Senatorial.
I am a repbulican who is NOT a fan of Bruning. He's smug and arrogant. Hope the party finds someone else to run because I will not vote for Jon.
When did Bruning ever "smack" Senator Hagel?
8:24 I think of Bruning as one of the more affable politicians in the State. Now if you want to talk "smug and arrogant" there are a few others who could fit that description as well.
I'm surprised nobody is mentioning Daub as a potential challenger to Bruning. He's been salivating over being a Senator longer than Stenberg has...
RWP, none of your "quitter" examples started campaigning for a different job days after being elected. And none of them showed a tendency to do this throughout their political life (i.e. Johanns the serial quitter). You righties are great at finding exceptions instead of seeing the rule.
Jon was a Clinton Democrat, so he can't be all bad.
few other folks who probably will run: Jeff Fortenberry and Tom White and Kent Rogert and Heath Mello and Scott Kleeb and Mark Stoj and Mort Sullivan (Sullivan of course who cant get a clue to stop running for any office)
RWP, did you vote on Tuesday?
Three weeks ago, actually.
Please stop posting lies about my voter registration. Thank you.
Obama's DNC speech in 2004, which is considered to be his first stepping stone on the way to the presidency, was made before he was elected to the Senate.
But thanks for playing.
You righties are great at finding exceptions instead of seeing the rule.
Yeah, the 'rule' is that Democrats are not quitters.
Of the current Democrat US Administration, Obama, Biden, Clinton, Salazar, Sebelius, Solis and Napolitano are the only exceptions to the rule.
Post your name, and I'll send you a buck so you can buy a clue.
Don Stenberg is old news. Jon will beat Nelson by 15 points or more.
Again, RWP, I understand nuance and objectivity are not your strong points, but giving a speech is not the same as forming an exploratory committee to run for a different office. And with 1,459 days remaining in one's current office. There is nothing unseemly about quitting one office to run for another. Both Republicans and Democrats do it all the time. One should have a problem with those who either repeatedly leave office prematurely or start explicitly campaigning for a new job a day after being elected.
Facts and logic aren't your strong point, anonymous coward.
Obama formed a Presidential exploratory committee almost exactly two years after he took office, or after he had served 1/3 of a Senate term.
Joe Biden ran simultaneously for Senate and Vice President. After being elected to the latter office, he still insisted on being sworn in to the Senate for a 7th term. He then quit after 9 days of a 6 year term.
Now those are quitters!
Bruning has already served two full terms as AG. He now plans to run for an office two years hence.
RWP, I'm fascinated that you are a UNL professor. Maybe joining the Big 10 will raise our faculty standards. In Obama's case, he served 2/3 of his term as a US Senator. When Biden ran for two offices at once (I'm not justifying this strategy), voters KNEW of this before entering the voting booth. Bruning served 1/1461 of his term before planning his move to a new office. He will only serve 1/2 of his term if he runs for US Senator and is elected. You may not believe this, but I'd call out a Democrat for doing the same thing. It's just amazing that partisanship can twist your "logic" into finding a false equivalence here.
RWP, I'm fascinated that you are a UNL professor. Maybe joining the Big 10 will raise our faculty standards.
Oh, I seriously doubt you have any degree of competence in evaluating faculty, anonymous coward. So how will you know?
In Obama's case, he served 2/3 of his term as a US Senator. When Biden ran for two offices at once (I'm not justifying this strategy), voters KNEW of this before entering the voting booth. Bruning served 1/1461 of his term before planning his move to a new office.
So serving 2/3 of a term is OK, but serving 1/2 term is not? And forming an exploratory committee two years in advance of running is OK for Obama, but not for Bruning?
And if you'll just point me to where you spent hundreds of words excoriating Biden for not just running for an office he planned to quit, but actually quitting 1/200 of the way into his term, I'll change my mind about your double standards. Did you vote for Biden, knowing he was pulling this sleazy stunt? How can you justify that?
As for Bruning being interested in higher office, seriously, who wasn't aware of that?
He will only serve 1/2 of his term if he runs for US Senator and is elected.
Hillary Clinton served 1/3 of her 2006-2012 term.
Kathleen Sebelius served 1/2 of her 2006-2010 term. Hilda Solis served about 1/20 of her 2008-2010 term. Janet Napolitano served 1/2 of her 2006-2010 term.
Give it up. Your tendentiousness is just ridiculous.
I really loathe idiot liberals who come up with transparently partisan, hypocritical arguments against Republicans. There is nothing unique about campaining for one office while holding another. BOTH sides do it.
Bruning has been elected AG three times. If he started campaigning for Senate tomorrow, he would be 8/12 (3/4) of his way through serving the terms he was elected to. By the time of the next election, he will have served 10/12 of his 3 terms.
And who is out there to complain that he took a job they would have been willing to do? No one ran against him. So, please, learn to think before you post.
I really loathe idiot conservatives who come up with transparently partisan, hypocritical arguments against Democrats. So I guess we're even.
Didn't know Bruning's election had anything to do with his previous terms in office, 4:19. Past behavior doesn't affect probability and isn't germane to my argument or your rebuttal. RWP, I'll take back my comment about faculty standards if you can give me a recent example (not 50 years ago!) of a Democrat forming an exploratory committee to run for a different office 3 days after being elected. And the politician will also only serve 1/2 the term in the office he was elected to if successful running for a different office. I want something more substantial than weed board too!
RWP, I'll take back my comment about faculty standards if you can give me a recent example (not 50 years ago!) of a Democrat forming an exploratory committee to run for a different office 3 days after being elected. And the politician will also only serve 1/2 the term in the office he was elected to if successful running for a different office. I want something more substantial than weed board too!
I could give a flying fig what you say about faculty standards, anonymous coward, because I care only about the opinions of those I respect.
So it's not that he might quit after 1/2 his term is up, because a big chunk of Obama's administration did that (or worse.) And it's not that he was elected to one job while wanting to run for another one, because Obama and Biden and most other politicians in the country have done that. And it's not that he formed an exploratory committee with four years left to go in his term, because Obama did that too. It's the exact specific set of circumstances under which Bruning intends to form an exploratory committee that you object to, and your objection doesn't apply to any of the other guys. And of course, that's out of principle, not because you're desperately trying to find a reason to criticize Bruning.
But what's funniest is that you expect to be taken seriously!
Where's the fake wagon wheel or fence behind Bruning? Is it a Lifetouch photo? Go Knights and Shirettes!
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