Friday, October 08, 2010

Terry -- and JOHANNS -- fire back

A new lee Terry ad is up responding to the despicable new ad by Tom White.

But for a twist, this ad features Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns.
See it here:

Completely BRUTAL response to White.

Kudos to Mike Johanns for stepping up on this.

If you haven't seen the White spot yet, well, that's because he hasn't posted it anywhere on the internet for you to see because he is obviously embarrassed by it. It establishes the fact that White is in complete desperation mode. The political equivalent to throwing fists in the parking lot (then running before the cops come).

It is gutter politics, and Nebraskans don't stand for it.

Good response by Mike Johanns and good response by the Terry camp.

Oh, and if I was Terry, I'd seriously consider canceling the debates with White. Terry would be better off staying out of White's gutter.


RWP said...

I notice none of the usual suspects are here to defend White. When I saw the ad. last night, I just wanted to take a shower. Gutter politics is exactly right.

Furthermore, I don't even think it was very effective. If you hadn't heard about the gossip article, I wasn't sure what you'd learn about it from the ad.

Let me repeat what I wrote on the other thread. If I were a sleazeball running for Congress, I'd slip a DC gossip columnist $5000 to print a fabricated story about a Congressman, liquor and a blonde female lobbyist, with no date, name or place mentioned, so it couldn't be corroborated or refuted, and then I'd run a political ad., citing the 'story' I'd created.

GeosUser said...

I saw White's "where did it go" ad. I'm wondering if his campaign had to pull it off the air for copyright infringement since they used KMTV news broadcast footage probably without consent.

Grundle King said...

Indeed, all I was able to find was Politico story describing the ad. Strangely, they used the term 'comely lobbyist', a term repeated ad nauseum by a 'Ricky from Omaha/River City/la-la-land' here on this blog. No mention on Tom White's website, and no video on his YouTube channel, or anywhere on YouTube from what I can tell.

Seems kinda strange that someone would spend the money to create an ad, run it for a day, then go out of his way to remove all traces of it.

And the New Nebraska Network has the audacity to accuse Lee Terry of running 'attack ads'.

Anonymous said...

I'm just proud of Lee that it was a comely lobbyist instead of a homely one.

Way to go Tiger.

Al T. said...

Nicely played Sweeper. I'm sure Scott appreciates it. Go Huskers.

Street Sweeper said...


LOL said...

Ouch! After that ad,Tom White needs to go see a

Al T. said...

My apologies for the informality Sweeper. God's Gift to Nebraska Senator Scott Lautenbaugh. Better?

Street Sweeper said...

And what would Senator Lautenbaugh appreciate, again?

Anonymous said...

The gossiper was also fired from her rag column at a WashingtonDC newspaper after she insulted Sean Penn and got herself put on the Do Not Call List for DC events. Within weeks she was peddling her wares to the NYPost gossip page.

With so much to choose from, I am going to go with the most obvious- How much of a trash talking "horror" must you be to insult Sean Penn?

Tom White and the Gossip Columnist=a perfect pair of rotten eggs.

Al T. said...

Sweeper -

Changing the subject from the Senator's clumsy cover up of his posting last night. Just chalk it up to a few too many pre game scotch and waters.

Anonymous said...

Oh big deal. So White fired back in equal measure. Like widdle Lee is the perfect example of sweetness and light when it comes to campaign style.

As a Catholic, I'd say he strrrrreeetttched the truth in his typical "abortion" flier meant to sandbag last weekend which to my opinion was shading the facts hidden in the muddled details and fine print. Oh never mind that.

As for Senator Johanns? He's certainly welcome to his voice and opinion, but Lee just found someone who knows how to play him at his own game and away he went running for cover.

How about doing something to be proud of? If the best you can advertise is to have others call you a "good" man when you've had 12years to DO something other than whine, well that's not saying much.

What makes for a sad statement is that both gentlemen insult the voter's intelligence with this kind of garbage. And, the fact they actually pay to do it doesn't speak well of how they will treat tax dollars when they squander donor dollars to promote such trash.

You wonder why people are apathetic and don't bother to vote?

Nathan said...

Al T,
I agree with you. No one should ever have to drink scotch with water! Scotch is gods gift to mankind, it should never be dilluted with water but rather enjoyed full flavor. Just like a fine cigar.

Anonymous said...

Anon 409, Tom White's faith is more in question after the gutter attack ad in which he accuses a man of cheating on his wife with nothing more than an unidentified gossip columnist "account" of a conversation he or she says she was present for.

Whether or not Tom White is pro life is up to him to settle with his priest and family. The fact is, that only 1 single group has endorsed him (and it just happens to be the same single group that endorsed Esch a couple years ago)as being pro life, the partisan Democrats for Life. All other respected prolife groups refuse to endorse him because he put his stamp of approval on the crap ass health care bill EVEN before they got the "Stupak like" language into it.

Yes, Tom White said he would vote for the version of health care reform that originally GUARANTEED abortion on demand services to all insured.

Next thing you know, Tom White will get an endorsement from the "non partisan" group, Catholics for Choice. You know, they're the ones that admonished the Archbishop for speaking out against the new Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic that the who's-who of Omaha money is helping pay for.

Anonymous said...

Tom White just got spanked by our very popular U.S. Senator. Kinda like Rep. Christensen did by Hagel in the 1998 governors race (who was popular at the time too). He finished last (and Johanns won). This was White's desperation shot since the poll numbers are widening. So long Tom.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this world be a better place if everyone refused to play unless they got to be the boss?

Tom White is a bully-and a very good one at that.

NE Voter said...


Mike Johanns actually DID something.

Just wow.

Anonymous said...

Bad (stupid, really) move by White. Goodbye.

Anonymous said...

2:145--nope. I just saw it on the news.

Too harsh, too much of an attack--White might have to pull it by mid-week, but he hasn't as of now.

Johanns abolutely squashes it.

Anonymous said...

This from the campaign that ran two ads bringing up a DUI that Jim Esch had years ago? David Boomer is the very definition of "gutter politics." Please don't pretend that you're above this now just because someone managed to hit where it hurts. It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

5:41--Terry's campaign never used the DUI in 08.

Go back and look at each of Terry's TV ads--no mention of that aspect of Esch's life.

That's the fact--as much as you want to ignore the truth.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it.

White's ad is confirmation that the DCCC has written him off.

A hard negative like this is what the nat'l cong. campaign committees do--but the Dems aren't playing in NE2.

They've thrown White under the bus.

Anonymous said...

I like the other Terry ad too--the man on the street. You've got four people that say nice things about Terry.

I doubt Tom White could get four people to say nice things about him.

Anonymous said...

Why won't White post his negative ad on his web site?

Guess tom doesn't want to publicize his connections to the ad.

what's the deal...

Anonymous said...

What does it matter if Terry WAS cheating on his wife. (paraphrasing Seinfeld) You guys are all just cheering for laundry anyhow. In the last ten years, what has Terry done for Omaha? Anyone? That daylight savings bill helping you out any? It was a bad ad in poor taste. In reality we'd be better off if he was sleeping with a lobbyist because she's comely then becuase she's trying to extract favors from a congressman with no stroke.

Anonymous said...

You're technically correct. The NRCC did. And I'm sure if the DCCC ran this ad White just ran you'd say White had nothing to do with it. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how Tom White voted on bullying in the Legislature? Or did he abstain due to a conflict of interest?

Poor Tom White, so picked on that he has no choice but to act out in rage.

Anonymous said...

There is a normal feedback in life. What you do comes back at you.

The backlash from White's childishly stupid ad will teach him, the hard way, that his potty mouth not only won't win him a Congressional job, but will lower income and his personal standing in this state for the rest of his life.

That's the way life works.

Anonymous said...

10:29--yep and I'm telling you Terry's campaign had nothing to do w/the NRCC ads on Esch's DUI.

Don't believe me? Well, then go pull a Tom White--drive over to the country club, park your car, punch someone out and then leave. Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

To show you how bad White's ad is...

Even Vile Kyle is refusing to post it or promote it at NNN...

Anonymous said...

The ad ran again this morning on channel 6 during the news.

anon 930 last night

I agree with you, Terry doesn't do much for Omaha. But White is a teamster. Nuff said....

Anonymous said...

Let's just say it. Tom White is an idiot. Anyone remember when he was on Steve brown's radio show as a LIBERAL counterpart?

Now he runs from his true self, like all Dems do.

Anonymous said...

And that's great, but the ads against Esch were 10x worse than what White's running now, and Terry didn't seem to have a problem with them.

Plus, anyone who knows politics knows that though those ads are independently produced and the campaign has no input into whether they go on the air, the national party *never* goes into a race blind. They get the lay of the land from the local campaign.

And once again, if the DCCC had run this ad Tom White is running now, I highly doubt you'd be saying "Tom White had nothing to do with it."

Anonymous said...

Let's see. A ad restating a public record about someone breaking the law. Versus an ad featuring a gossip page.

Yeah, that's the same thing.

Tom White is a dirtball, and he and his campaign know it.

Macdaddy said...

I have not seen the Tom White ad you guys are talking about but I do remember the NRCC ad about Esch. I also remember that Jim Esch had a DUI and that speaks directly to his character. The NRCC ad was entirely truthful. Can anybody say the same about any Tom White ad?

Anonymous said...

Another point--

The White ad is so harsh that usually it is done by the party's congressional committee as an independent expenditure.

That's in races they are targeting--this must mean the DCCC is blowing White off.

Anonymous said...

Johanns' ad

The thing that's also good about it is it mentions again White's support for the Pelosi stimulus and gov't healthcare bills.

White=2 trillion more in spending and debt

Anonymous said...


I just saw a guy clock someone over at Memorial Park--

Was it White?

Anonymous said...

Just saw the White ad...he must be doing some polling? Anyone heard?

Anonymous said...

Terry got caught. Boo Hoo. Then complains about getting caught Boo hoo. What a tool. Who needs him? Not Nebraska.

Anonymous said...

Terry wins,

White goes home crying like the wee bully he is.

Nebraska moves forward with a Senior member of congress:)

Anonymous said...

Has Terry ever denied being there at night? Has he ever denied being there with a female lobbyist?

Not to my knowledge.

Anyone? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall Lee Terry asking (because you are not allowed by law to tell an independent expenditure group to do, or not do, anything)the NRCC to pull the DWI ad.

SS, do you recall anything to that affect?

As far as the piece about him getting government welfare-oops, I mean Ag Subsidies to his apartment in the heart of non ag land downtown Omaha? The public deserves to know if someone seeking office has a fiduciary interest in getting there. Ag subsidies deserve to be on the chopping block, and always are-until they are rescued by special interests. How about we just let the farms make a decent buck on their crops, sell it to whoever they want and then we wouldn't have to give tax cuts to anyone to stimulate the economy.

So, if Esch wants to wear loafers everyday, then he shouldn't be buying ag land and then getting paid not to farm it.

Just like Tom White should quit suing the City and County governments where he lives and then register his planes across the river in order to avoid city and county sales taxes-I assume, because he thinks they are to high.

Oh, and if I remember correctly, the Esch ad was based on a legally recorded document, White's ad is based on a gossip columnists "factual" account while he or she was sitting in a bar with the hearing aid turned up.

Anonymous said...

I dunno--just my take--

The more the White and Johanns ads run, the better it will be for Terry.

I think Johanns' comments easily trump the canned White ad.

Anonymous said...

Terry never asked the NRCC to pull either of the two DUI ads they ran.

He did try to create a false equivalency over a policy-based ad Esch ran criticizing Terry on veterans issues, and demanded that Esch pull that ad. Then, and only then, would he consider asking the NRCC to pull their ads.

It seems to me Terry's taking offense at what's *not* said in the White ad. Note Johanns saying this is an attack on Terry's family?

I don't think White's campaign, or anyone, was suggesting that he was sleeping with the lobbyist. Just that he's too close to their interests. The fact that Terry's campaign chose to interpret it the other way? Draw your own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

You're full of shit and you know exactly what Tom White meant to do with his piece of filth that even he is too embarrassed to let leak on the internet.

Problem is, enough people have seen at and they are all ashamed of him.

Wonder how Church was this morning Tom? Did the priest ask you if your conscience was clear?

Anonymous said...

Hilarious that the White trolls here can't see the forest through the trees.

White's ad is only hurting White--so, keep airing it guys!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sweeper, Congressman Terry should not engage in a debate with a pig like White.

Grundle King said...

Anon 1:41 wrote: "I don't think White's campaign, or anyone, was suggesting that he was sleeping with the lobbyist. Just that he's too close to their interests."

100% bovine scatology.

Just like the gossip columnist, the Tom White campaign felt the need to include the detail that the lobbyist was an attractive female. Now what does the fact that she's attractive have to do with being 'too close' to special interests?

Absolutely nothing. Had it been another male, not only would the gender have been left out, it wouldn't even have been news!!!

So why include such information? Because, they know idiots like yourself will eat it up and assume that there must be 'something else' going on there. No evidence needed, wild speculation is good enough.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10/10 18:46

What exactly did White mean to imply? I assumed that he meant to imply that Terry was getting to close to lobbyist. That doesn't represent my values and I doubt it represents yours. In any case, it's something we should all be concerned about.

Anon/SW 11/10 07:12

"A pig like white". This is not productive. A debate would be. I have a hard time with the candidate who is in office NOT wanting to debate the challenger. NO matter the party.

As a Republican who is quickly becoming a RINO, I want to know more about something that was touched on earlier in the comments: What has Terry done for the District? We are a major metropolitan area and from what I can see, our congressman doesn't pull any weight. Perhaps it's time to elect someone new. I would prefer a Republican, but the one in office won't leave. Maybe it's time to elect White for two years so we can replace Terry with a better Republican in 2012.

Anonymous said...

You should probably ask the business community what Lee Terry has done for Omaha. Or ask the VA. Maybe you could petition the Congressional Records Department and demand to see how many constituent service cases have been addressed. Maybe the telecom industry could tell you how hard Lee Terry works every day?

Frankly, the fact that he refused to release another dime of , essentially, unaccounted for TARP money. His Nay votes on Healthcare "Reform", and Stimulus Bills (4 or 5?). His refusal to support any and all Omnibus Bills (AKA, everything that didn't pass muster at the committee level PLUS a bloated budget). His votes against accepting the automatic COLA in Congressional pay, except for the 2 times the leadership tried to attach it to a much need and overdue jobs bill known as The Transportation Bill.

If you want to attack him for his ultimate yes vote after several no votes on TARP, I am sure he accepts that criticism of his mistaken trust in promises made by an outgoing administration and the incoming Obama administration.

So go right ahead and elect Nancy Pelosi and her regime to their leadership positions that have delivered Healthcare Reform, Cap and Trade and more stimulus than you can shake a stick at in the House of Representatives.

A vote for Tom White will all but ensure business (or destruction of business in America) as usual for another 2 years and a multimillion dollar campaign to keep him elected to represent the Conservative values of the people in the 2nd District and all of Nebraska.

I'll be sure and say "hi", next time I see you out in public. You'll be the one with the nose that's been cut off and the "I'm smarter than you are", look on your face.

Anonymous said...

And White is a pig because he thinks that rolling around in the mud is the best way to present yourself to the public.

The fact that he is rolling around anywhere with a gossip columnist, well, that just makes it even more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:39 11/10

It should be said that while Terry did do many of the things you mention, almost all were done in lock step with the Republican party leadership. It's another topic, but I am sure that even as a loyal Republican you can't be happy with party leadership over the past decade. I know

Terry has been very supportive of the VA. It's an easy thing to be supportive of, and while I commend him for looking our for the men and women who serve, I am not sure he thinks out of the box enough to come up with improvements to what is an archaic system. I'm not interested in picking a fight about VA benefits - but ask anyone who depends on medical care from the VA, they would tell you the system is broken.

Let's be clear. Terry walked Lockstep with the RNC on healthcare. He suggested the "give them congress's health plan". Other then that weak attempt, he didn't do much. "ObamaCare" has been put into effect in part. The three major provisions are that young people can stay on their parents plan until they are 26, There is no cap on on personal insurance claims. You can not be dropped because of illness. Lee Terry voted against the idea of all of those. Which one do you think is bad for the American Public?

Not to hijack the thread but - Speaking of business.... Not once have I heard a Republican or Democrat for that matter utter anything about taking insurance out of the hands of the employer. In fact to my dismay, they are making the whole thing more onerous to employers by insisting that their employees must be covered. A more small business friendly plan would be to make people have choice in what healthcare insurance they want and make it so they could purchase it themselves with out any sort of group purchase. You know who doesn't want something like this? Big Established Business. There is no better way to keep competition out of a marketplace then to raise the barriers for entry. Health Insurance costs kill small business. ObamaCare isn't the answer, but at least it started to address the question. Future Congresses will adjust the answer.

Cap and Trade isn't going to pass if congress is 100% Democrat. Do you suppose this congress wixhed they would have done more to promote "green energy" development in this country? D or R, you have to wish there was more manufacturing going on here then there.

Anon 12:41 11/10

Has Terry said the conversation didn't happen? Was Terry "consorting" with lobbyist? Is that OK with you? I've met and talked with both Terry and his wife. I personally like them both. I think both are good people and I think that if Terry was doing anything that night, it was drinking to much at an outing with or sponsored by a lobbyist. You insinuate there was more to the caught private conversation - I'm questioning the relationship with the lobbyist as it pertains to a relationship with a lobbyist; be that person the opposite sex or not.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:39 11/10

It should be said that while Terry did do many of the things you mention, almost all were done in lock step with the Republican party leadership. It's another topic, but I am sure that even as a loyal Republican you can't be happy with party leadership over the past decade. I know

Terry has been very supportive of the VA. It's an easy thing to be supportive of, and while I commend him for looking our for the men and women who serve, I am not sure he thinks out of the box enough to come up with improvements to what is an archaic system. I'm not interested in picking a fight about VA benefits - but ask anyone who depends on medical care from the VA, they would tell you the system is broken.

Let's be clear. Terry walked Lockstep with the RNC on healthcare. He suggested the "give them congress's health plan". Other then that weak attempt, he didn't do much. "ObamaCare" has been put into effect in part. The three major provisions are that young people can stay on their parents plan until they are 26, There is no cap on on personal insurance claims. You can not be dropped because of illness. Lee Terry voted against the idea of all of those. Which one do you think is bad for the American Public?

Not to hijack the thread but - Speaking of business.... Not once have I heard a Republican or Democrat for that matter utter anything about taking insurance out of the hands of the employer. In fact to my dismay, they are making the whole thing more onerous to employers by insisting that their employees must be covered. A more small business friendly plan would be to make people have choice in what healthcare insurance they want and make it so they could purchase it themselves with out any sort of group purchase. You know who doesn't want something like this? Big Established Business. There is no better way to keep competition out of a marketplace then to raise the barriers for entry. Health Insurance costs kill small business. ObamaCare isn't the answer, but at least it started to address the question. Future Congresses will adjust the answer.

Cap and Trade isn't going to pass if congress is 100% Democrat. Do you suppose this congress wixhed they would have done more to promote "green energy" development in this country? D or R, you have to wish there was more manufacturing going on here then there.

Anon 12:41 11/10

Has Terry said the conversation didn't happen? Was Terry "consorting" with lobbyist? Is that OK with you? I've met and talked with both Terry and his wife. I personally like them both. I think both are good people and I think that if Terry was doing anything that night, it was drinking to much at an outing with or sponsored by a lobbyist. You insinuate there was more to the caught private conversation - I'm questioning the relationship with the lobbyist as it pertains to a relationship with a lobbyist; be that person the opposite sex or not.

Anonymous said...

Improvements to the VA Hospital in Omaha.

The "put 'em in the Congressional Plan" was a non employer based program-and across state lines. He also offered the amendment requiring members and staff to be in any public option. Bothe were defeated along party lines in committee.

Cap and Trade will not pass if the Dems lose the House. The House already passed it, the Senate could do so in lame Duck and Pelosi could ignore any changes and tell her side of the aisle to take it or leave it. They won't leave it.

Yes, Lee Terry did say the gossip column story was false garbage. Not sure how that is unclear to you what he meant, but it seems pretty clear to me.

What voters need to remember is that Tom White put his rubber stamp of approval on the HealthCare Bill before any of the changes that got Ben Nelson to vote for it were made. And LONNGGG before the Stupak "like" language made its way into the Bill.

Tom White will rubber stamp the liberal progressive agenda every opportunity he gets. The only good part, the tax cuts he will let expire will hurt him the most. As far as that "evil" financial services sector, I am surprised he was allowed in the house the night he threw them under the bus.

Anonymous said...


"Yes, Lee Terry did say the gossip column story was false garbage. Not sure how that is unclear to you what he meant, but it seems pretty clear to me."

Long sigh.

So... I suppose if Tom White denied something that was covered by the media, he would be a liar, whereas Terry is obviously telling the truth?

Anonymous said...

You asked if Lee Terry ever denied the accusation. I just answered your question based on an article in Politico.

Has Tom White ever denied running from the scene when he punched another man at a West Omaha CC (OWH)?

Has he ever denied failing to pay a contractor 5 or 6 years ago?

Has he ever denied chest thumping a female state senator on the floor of the legislature?

The last 2 are just rumors that I have heard of for a number of months. But a rumor and a gossip columnist over hearing something with no other named witness are pretty much the same thing, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Since we are all hidden behind the cloak of Anonymous, it's certainly impossible to tell.... but,

I didn't heave or type the long sigh.

My point on Tom White's poorly done ad is this: Many of the posters automatically take the low road. No doubt: White's people wanted them to think the ad was about an extramarital affair. I think the ad was meant to point out his relationship to lobbyist and by extension big business.

Maybe it's me that wanted it to be about big business. I think big business is running the country - no matter what party is in charge; and frankly, that makes me sad. The people have a reduced role in a representative democracy. The role will be reduced to nearly nothing in a corporatocracy.

Many who favor Terry seem to be OK with the support of big business, and that's fine, majority rule and all that.

I'm not suggesting that White would be a better representative then Terry. I think the net effect of either would be zero. I think it's should be a topic - even on a conservative blog - that Terry may not be offering OMAHA; his district, the representation in congress that it should have. If White would be elected in this cycle, we would have two years to find a better voice to represent Omaha.

SW is probably tired of this topic... maybe White will run a NEW ad!

Ricky said...

Sorry to disappoint some but I was in Ohio visiting my daughter and missed the White ad.
I looked all over You Tube and can not find it.
The "comely lobbyist" tag is funny and effective, so that's why it has legs.
Terry has never explained what exactly happened at that D C club. No journalist that I know has actually pinned him down to explain.
Terry is probably pulling a Palin and only talks to Fox or is in hiding only talking to Mr Sweeper.
But the White ad is based in fact; a report in the NY Post that was backed up by other sources.
On the other hand, the Terry ad suggesting White approves of "abortion on demand" is pure fiction.
And, the Terry response was lame. I must have missed the memo that said Mike Johanns, right wing serial job quitter, was the most respected guy in Nebraska.

I thought it was about time Mr White responded with the ad about the "comely lobbyist".
Now he needs to get out there with one about Terry's wife book burning. (I heard Mr Terry was behind the efforts to get books banned at a public school).

Ricky From Omaha

Anonymous said...

I want to echo the earlier posts on this that question White's ad.

Just seems way over the line to me--the person who is hurt w/this kind of ad is White.

No wonder the DCCC bailed on him and won't pay for it or play in NE2.

Anonymous said...

Congressman Terry said, and is quoted in a Politico story that the story was false garbage.

It was not a "story in the New york Post", but, rather, a column on Page Six, which is their gossip column.

Why would Lee Terry explain a false conversation at a restaurant that he eats at several times a week and probably has had thousands of conversations with both males and females?

On the other hand, why would Tom White very publicly indicate his support for a crap ass health care bill while it still contained the mandate that at least one plan offered to the public must contain abortion on demand services, if he were truly pro life?

Surely, you must remember that the "Stupak like" language did not get into the Bill until the Senate changes came back to the House just prior to the President signing it into law. That was several months after Tom White told the OWH that he supports the version in the House.

And, Ben Nelson didn't sign on until he was certain that there would be no abortion services provided for in the Bill-that and The Cornhusker Kickback, of course. That activity was our Country's Christmas present from Bennie last year.

Yes, Tom White was not prolife last September and October. Maybe he is now that the election is just around the corner?

Anonymous said...

Anon 08:48 12/10

"Tom White very publicly indicate his support for a crap ass health care bill"

Again I ask, because none of you bothered with an answer before:

Which part of the Health Care plan that has gone into effect would you like to see gone:

1. Children can stay on the parents plan until age 26.

2. There is no ceiling for individual claims.

3. You can not be denied or cancelled because of an illness.

It seems to me that for all the BS the Republican party has manufactured about "Obamacare", it's starting off pretty well.

I'd make a small bet with any of you other "ANON" folks: If the Republicans gain back numbers that matter - little changes with "Obamacare".

Anonymous said...

I would have no problem getting rid of the adult, married, employed children can stay on mommy and daddy's coverage until they can quit buying stuff long enough to get their priorities straight.

And the other part that should be repealed? The deeply unfair cuts in Medicare and Medicaid to pay for those 26 year old kids.

But, since the only way the government could "show" the American public that the HC Bill was going to save people money was by including those cuts, it is unlikely that after the "Dr Fix", it is unlikely that our Country will be able to make the premiums for the most needy anyway.