Nelson out Farming
Here’s the story from this point:
· Ben Nelson bought property in Sarpy County to be used as a hunting retreat.
· Nelson applied for Greenbelt consideration, KNOWING the land was not for agricultural purposes.
· Under Nebraska law, in order to receive Greenbelt consideration, the land must be used for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
· Nelson’s spokesperson said the land was NOT for agricultural purposes, but for hunting.
So why doesn’t Nelson pay his share of the back taxes NOW?
Instead, Nelson says, “he was willing to pay the full tax if the designation is found to be in error.” (Emphasis added.) (Nelson calls land's status news to him – OWH – 8/7/06)
Ben Nelson doesn’t need the County Assessor to tell him he’s wrong here. The State Statute is crystal clear. He should send a check to the Sarpy County Assessor, TODAY and personally revoke the Greenbelt consideration.
Update and Correction, 8/7/06:
Nelson's spokesperson did not say the land would be used for hunting. She said something about having "a place where the senator can go and have the land in its natural state." We here at Leavenworth Street take that to mean," having a place to blow away turkeys. " But we'll accept her at her word that the primary use of the land is not for ag use.
Show me the quote where Nelson's spokesperson says he uses the land for hunting, please. Having a tough time? Get your facts straight.
Nelson's spokesperson said:
"that the primary use for the cabin Nelson built in 2001 was not for raising turkeys.
'The primary use of the land is to have a place where the senator can go and have the land in its natural state,' she said."
She just forgot to add, "...and blow away turkeys with shotguns."
Ok - if you two really want to get into it, here's the FULL quote. Not just a convenient selection:
'Nelson's Senate office said he wasn't available to comment Friday. Marcia Cady, Nelson's campaign spokeswoman, said the senator raises wild turkeys on the heavily timbered land south of Gretna.
"He gets them when they're small, feeds them, grows them and releases them," Cady said. She said she did not know what he fed the turkeys, how many he purchased each year or where they were purchased.
Cady acknowledged that the primary use for the cabin Nelson built in 2001 was not for raising turkeys.
"The primary use of the land is to have a place where the senator can go and have the land in its natural state," she said.'
**Releases them....not blows their brains out. And you show me a single quote from anyone on the campaign or the senator or the senate office that says he uses that cabin for hunting.
Well, before we get off track, we'll let the Bulldog or anyone else argue whether the Senator hunts the turkeys, or simply enjoys watching them fly assunder. But I think we can all agree that the Senator claimed the land was for ag use, twice, when it is not. And he hasn't paid his back taxes.
I haven't followed this discussion at all, so may I have some information please?
If the Senator owes back-due and delinquent taxes, then shouldn't he pay them?
Also, has anyone given thought to the idea that if Senator Nelson is trying to pay less in taxes, it might mean other people have to pay more? Has that idea been kicked around at all?
(Please understand I don't follow politics in Nebraska. I'm on the East Coast and heard about this on a (left) blog site. Is it true, as several people were saying, that this issue could cost Mr. Nelson the election?
Yup, it's totally over. Ben has lost because of this thing. Let's pack our things and go home. Pete doesn't even have to take any issue stances or have any advertising where he actually talks about where he stands - he doesn't even have to do any of his own press conferences (actually I don't blame his campaign for not letting him...he has "trouble" not saying assinine things in public). Gosh, what a tremendous public servant this man will be.
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