Nelson out farming?
After repeatedly questioning his U.S. Senate opponent about his dealing on his property tax valuations, it has now come to light that Senator Ben Nelson may have been cheating on his Sarpy County taxes for the past five years.
By claiming that his hunting retreat was a farm, it appears that Nelson was jobbing the
Nelson -- a millionaire many times over and the wealthiest member of the Nebraska-Iowa Congressional delegation -- is no stranger to getting his property tax valuations lowered. He succeeded at lowering the valuations of both his Regency mansion in
But, while those valuations were apparently legal, the
Let’s all recognize that Nelson brought this entire matter upon himself, jeering at Pete Ricketts when Ricketts legally contested his valuation.
The little matter of tax valuations may have just changed the course of this Senate campaign.
Marcia Cady was conspicuously lacking the elegance of rehearsed rhetoric on this issue. It's becuase they're stunned. Had Ben not gone negative, this wouldn't have happened. Had Ben not been associated with the "D's", he would be cruising in for a second term now. But alas, there remains behind his name that "D"...stay tuned.
Like his old commercial said, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".
Or, what's good for the gobbler is good for the... oh, never mind.
I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around Nelson's wild turkey ranch explanation.
It was very nice of good ole' Sarpy County Ben to not even attend the Sarpy County Fair Parade. What a low-life.
Now in the OW-H Nelson says that his tax valuation is news to him!?!?!?!? The guy doesn't even know what taxes he is paying? Talk about mis-management. No wonder why he botched the $145 million nuke payoff. How can I trust him in Washington managing the lives of Nebraskans when he doesn't even know what taxes he pays from his checkbook?!?!?
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