Douglas County Commissioner and former Omaha Mayor Mike Boyle announced that he will not be running for Nebraska Governor in 2010...on Facebook:
Mike BoyleIt's cute that Boyle, who has been a political animal his entire life, implies that Dave Heineman would bring the campaign to a low level -- and cites the children (oh, the children!).
After a family meeting, I have decided a run for Governor is not in the best interest of my family. Anne and I have sixteen grandchildren - 13 in Omaha. I can't put them through a campaign that will undoubtedly sink to the lowest level. The stakes are too high for Dave. My family comes first. I appreciate all the support you have given to me. It is gratifying. Thank you, Mike Boyle
Here's something Boyle knows:
The stakes are ALWAYS high when you run for statewide office. It's the big time. For whomever is running.
The fact that Boyle doesn't want to commit to the race is fine. But better he just say that he and his family don't have the heart, and leave it at that.
What Boyle's grandchildren have to do with anything, we don't know. To suggest that Governor Heineman would somehow pull them into a campaign is frankly beyond the pale for even Boyle.
While Heineman hasn't done a thing, Boyle is already taking shots at him as he cowers away.
Thanks Mike. We hardly knew ye.
And next time, just send a Tweet.
Maybe Mike Carbuncle figured out that running for governor would include some close examination of Anne's expense account and campaign spending while in office on the PUC...and they don't want to kill that golden goose. Plus one Carbuncle feeding from the public trough is already one too many. After all, one or both of them has been doing it for over 50 years as it is.
Buh Bye Boyle.
mike is currently a Doug. county board member. They are both on the public trough.
Ok, I will probably be thrown out of the club for this, but here goes.
I went to school with one of the Boyle boys and know all three. Never met the girls, they weren't as much fun.
The Boys out up with a lot that they didn't deserve, and a little that they did.
The fact is, what they did put up with, they never would have had to if it weren't for their parents(yes, both of them).
I applaud Mike and also his boys(and their wives) for doing the right thing.
As long as Ben Nelson holds the Nebraska Democratic Party by the short hairs, there will never be a Democratic candidate for any statewide or federal office that isn't hand picked by him. Others may run, but they will not receive the support from the party that they need, particularly the financial support, unless they are approved by the guy that holds the key to the treasury, and that has been Ben Nelson for the past twenty years.
An interesting fact is that the current Treasurer of the NDP has been the same one for about the same amount of time that Ben Nelson has been on the scene. State Chairs and other officers may come and go, but when you know where all the skeletons are buried, and where all the money went, no one dares to replace you.
Time to Recycyle:
Well, how about all of the D candidates for Gov, Lt Gov, AG, Treas and Auditor? lol
Great job of candidate recruitment that Covalt, Rogers and Samp are doing...
Don Wesley, Terry Werner, Kim Robak, Jim McFarland, Bill Hoppner, Amanda McGill, Melanie Carlson, John Cavanaugh, Stormy Dean, Pat Bourne, Tim Hall, its time to step up!
where is the next JJ Exon? Nebraska needs you!
Talk about candidate recruitment, it's hilarious that the NEGOP hasn't found one candidate for legislature against any of the Lancaster County Senators. Oh yeah, except Tom Dierks A.K.A Lewis Skolnick who is running a "Revenge Of The NRTLs" campaign.
It doesn't surprise me that no one challenges State Senators. It's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to just wait until they are termed out.
How many Dems are challenging sitting Republican State Senators?
As for the NEDems? Why the hell are they spending $100,000 on Ben Nelson when he has a Mill in the bamk? I would be really pissed if I were a Dem candidate in this state.
@The Inside Dope - You must have really bad short term memory... Scott Kleeb was NOT Nelson's pick, by a LONG shot.
He's powerful, but not that powerful.
"As for the NEDems? Why the hell are they spending $100,000 on Ben Nelson when he has a Mill in the bamk? I would be really pissed if I were a Dem candidate in this state."
Thats a good point. They should be saving their money for the only statewide race they have a chance in (barring a sex scandal or something)... White v Terry.
Anon 7:29
Most of those people you listed are either over the hill, disinterested, or barely able to keep a regular job. Besides when was the last time an incumbent senator was defeated?
Dear Leavenworth Street:
After much discussion with my family, I have decided not to run for Governor. I just can't put them through the inevitable mud-slinging that would come our way from the other side of the aisle. I am sure that my decision surprises and disappoints many of you. I realize that I was on many people's short list for Governor, but, alas, because of the rancor and partisanship out there, it is not to be.
On another note, my parents, cousins, my in-laws, co-workers, and neighbors are also not running for Governor. I know that surprises and disappoints many of you. My wife is also not running.
Please check back later on Leavenworth Street blog for a list of additional people whom you've never heard of who will not be running for Governor.
I think one of the reasons there is only one R running against Amanda McGill is sympathy. If she loses her state senator gig, she'll have to start working at Target full-time rather than just part-time.
And as for Stormin' Norman Wallman, if I'm not mistaken a Republican longtime Beatrice construction company owner has already announced.
So who are we left with? Bill Avery, who the Ds never wanted anyway? Danielle Snowplow Nantkes Conrad, who is waiting until the February 15 deadline to announce she's not running for re-election?
@UNL Guy
When my parents were in there late 20s my dad worked in a hardware store and my mother was a teachers assistant in a public school making $10 a year.
Do you have a problem with that?
And did they walk to work, barefoot, in the snow ... uphill both ways?
No Boyle? Smart money is on Heath Mello to run.
Hilarious that Boyle thinks he has a chance...he's an impeached ex-Omaha mayor,now so old and overweight who lumbers and waddles around Old market...I do not get why he would do this,unless he just needs attention....
If the money was smart, why would it be on Mello?
Lest we forget, Bill Avery has a DUI too. Don't just give it to Sen. Conrad.....but ole' Bourbon Bill did a nice job covering his up.
Why can't more pols be like Pat Flynn and just throw it out there to begin with?
"Don Wesley, Terry Werner, Kim Robak, Jim McFarland, Bill Hoppner, Amanda McGill, Melanie Carlson, John Cavanaugh, Stormy Dean, Pat Bourne, Tim Hall, its time to step up!"
That's the Dem Bench? LOL Heath Mello?? LOL Please, let's expose Heath Mello!
Attention State Senators:
Lincoln is under a snow emergency. Due to the cold, the city is running with a limited number of snowplows. Please stay off the streets and if necessary contact Senator Steve Lathrop for a cab ride home if you are unable to operate your motor vehicle safely.
Senator Conrad, what car do you drive? I just want to keep a look out while I'm plowing snow.
Hey Dems--yep, you got some really good statewide candidates! lol
NDP----> keystone cops/three stooges (Covalt, Rogetrs & Samp)
It's interesting that the national trend seems to be operative in Nebraska as well. Democrats across the country are retiring in droves or electing not to step up and run for open seats. Nebraska has always had Democrats in prominent offices despite being a very Republican state. Senator Nelson has poisoned that well, though. It will be interesting to see if after 2 more years of enduring a lot of angry voters if Nelson will decide to call it quits as well.
City of Lincoln said...
Attention State Senators:
Lincoln is under a snow emergency. Due to the cold, the city is running with a limited number of snowplows. Please stay off the streets and if necessary contact Senator Steve Lathrop for a cab ride home if you are unable to operate your motor vehicle safely.
From what I hear, Lathrop better save his money because he is about to face a serious challenge to his for his seat.
I predict he is gone next November.
I cannot believe ANYONE would take Boil seriously. He is only wanting attention. Period. Clearly none of you watch his antics on the County Bored. It is sad and an embarrassment that voters elect people like him purely based on him fullfilling a malnourished ego. Why can't people see that? Oh, never mind, I guess Commander Whack hit them upside the head.
The problem w/that approach is if the D's lack credible statewide candidates, it filters down to the grassroots. They'll be no overall message and no excitement--D turnout will crater and that's bad news for White.
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