The OWH actually acknowledged that a Nebraska "web-log" exists. (No, not this one, silly.)
In a feature about Pete Ricketts's goings-on, they noted that Ricketts is financially involved with the Joe Jordan led "Nebraska Watchdog".
And for what it's worth, they quote some-time Leavenworth Street contributor, political consultant Jordan McGrain, saying:
"I don't think there is any question he intends to run for statewide office again."
So we email Jordan as to which one he thinks Pete is interested in, and he responded:
"I think he would run for Governor."
Which, in an open Republican primary in years to come, will be a battle.
Also of note in the Ricketts supported groups:
Also of note in the Ricketts supported groups:
Nebraskans for Fiscal Accountability. Ricketts created this independent political group last year, giving $20,000. He then used the organization to conduct an opinion poll last fall.Pete is keeping his fingers on the pulse...
I'm still bored. Kind of like Ricketts running again for anything. Must we endure the stocking capped rich boy with little to no appeal? Hope he hires McGrainy then we know the outcome without the hassle of a run.
Pete is simply making good on a commitment to stay active in supporting conservative principles across Nebraska.
Will he ever seek state-wide office again? Who knows? I bet not even Pete has thought that seriously about it. One thing is for sure, Jordan McGrain wouldn't have a clue even if he DID plan to run again!
Ricketts seems like a nice guy... I talked to him a few times in '06 (I was a big David Kramer vol), but was clearly a near total neophyte trying to buy himself a senate seat. He should have started at the state leg level and worked his way up, or at least gotten involved in the myriad of other ways people work up from before you... run for a US Senate seat. He possibly ran the worst campaign, dollar for dollar, of any campaign I ever saw up close... but when you have tens of millions and are that young, you've got time and money to make yourself into a player.
I dig the Nebraska Watchdog thing. I don't care if he did it for political reasons... as long as he doesn't turn it into a shill for himself or any other interest, its a boon for the political environment in the state. God knows the OWH's lead political reporter is about as good as a lump of clay.
I'd support Pete for governor in 2014. He's a passionate, smart, articulate and detail-oriented guy.
Frankly, he got the shaft in 2006 by a media that leaned so left there was no way a real capitalist could win, even in Nebraska.
The cult of "mainstream" Marxist journalism is coming apart at the seams and will be nearly dead in 2014. Pete will have a good shot.
I love how Pete Ricketts formed a group to help stop health care reform. That's all our country needs right now is more money and help and lobbying power for the big insurance companies.
thanks a lot Pete
Ya can't blame the lack of charisma and message on media. It wasn't there.
"Frankly, he got the shaft in 2006 by a media that leaned so left there was no way a real capitalist could win, even in Nebraska."
I'm not sure what planet you were on in 2006, but Ricketts (up right until the end) made himself look like a fool with a series of terrible commercials... maybe all those nice things you say about him are true, but usually you need to be a heavyweight to win a senate seat... like him or not, Nelson is a smart politician. Ricketts hired a bunch of goons that spent his money like crazy, couldn't raise barely anything and made him look so bad that its going to take years (at the least) of work to make him look like a serious politician.
Pete doesn't want to run for office - he said so in the article. Just because Jordan McGrain says something doesn't make it true.
Ricketts didn't say he wouldn't run, he said he has "no plans" to run. People reading this blog can understand the difference.
I would vote for Ricketts again. Anybody that would keep the Cubs alive can't be all bad.
He would make a great replacement Governor in 2010. There are a couple questionable associations he might have but I think they are probably hanger-on wannabees.
Did you ever wonder about Heineman's "appointee/replacement" should he go after Ol' Earmark's seat?" I think the City of Hastings had a parade 5 minutes after he drove out of town.
Pete Ricketts is as likely to be Heineman's number two as Tom Osborne.
It was Pete's Chicago-based brother who handled the Cubs deal.
Just a detail.
NE Voter...
I knew it was in the family.
One would have to think what Suzanne, his wife would think about him running for office again.
I know that she wasn't too hip on him running the last time he ran for Senate.
Show me a wife that has ever been enthusiastic about a Senate race besides Steph Johanns.
Start with Jane Kleeb. Actually I think she wanted it more than Speedy Racer.
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