Statement from former Omaha Mayor Hal Daub (issued Friday evening):
"With all the talk about street naming, it seems some people are talking about naming a street after me as well.
Respectfully—but with regard to P.J. Morgan, Mike Boyle, and some good mayors who served Omaha faithfully and are now deceased—I don’t think it’s appropriate.
This special honor has traditionally been bestowed at the end a lifetime of service—and by God’s grace I hope to have many more years ahead of me to continue to serve our community in the ways which bring Mary and me so much joy.
So for me, the consideration is appreciated, but not at this time or under these circumstances."
What a Class act compared to Mike Fahey!!!
You scooped the World-Herald, Sweeper.
This is a man of honor. Would that we had his intelligence and competence right now.
No need to compare Hal and Fahey. Let's give Hal his accolades without the shadow of snarkiness.
Hal made the right choice. nine times out of ten he makes choices that are for the greater good.
We aren't all perfect, and all of us make a bad decision once in a while, but I give Hal an A+ for this decision.
Way to be a leader for the people of this community.
I bet Chris Jerram is going to introduce 2 Street names for Mike McDonnell and Jim Suttle next month
8:11 AM, agreed 100 percent!
The World-Herald just posted an article. How do you misquote a press release? Nothing substantive, but still.
Whoopee! What a what a.
Mike Kennedy just got slammed by his former boss. Sorry little Mike, nice try but let Daub teach you another lesson.
Harold Anderson is willing to rename his lie-detector machine for Hal Daub.
GOP of mid-1990's; Scary
Mike Kennedy
Justin Peterson
Ryan Grillo
RL Kerrigan
Matt Schultz
Steve Thomlinson
Jon Christansen
Brinker Harding
Rush Rooms, Dick Armey, Contract with America, Newt is God.
I have only lived in Omaha for three years....what's up with the lie detector? Please explain.
Yeah, what is with Mike Kennedy and the OWH. Are they roommates? wink wink
I don't think that is a slam on Mike Kennedy or any other Daub supporter. Didn't Hal say the request was appreciated. I think it is fair that if one mayor is recognized for the downtown, the other that started it be recognized. It's nice to see Hal's friends stand up for him.
I thought Kennedy was Cliff Herds campaign manager against Daub in 2001? If I recall, Kennedy slammed the crap out of Daub then. What kind of friend is that? Bridges get burned.
It's nice to see Republicans trashing each other, ANONYMOUSLY. Keep going fellas!!!
Didn't Jim Vokal say the naming of the street after Fahey was a good idea?
Funny, I seemed to have seen Mike Kennedy volunteering at Hal's campaign office quite a bit this past year and with Hal at several events. Instead of spreading trash, why don't you ask them what they think about all this. I have never known Hal or Mike not to speak their mind.
Cliff Herd? Let's get him to run for office again as a Democrat.
Let's get Pat Combs in Lincoln to run, Dawn Rockey, Maxine Moul, Bill Hooper, Kim Robak, etc....
Come on Democrats, get somebody to run...call Bob Kerrey to move back...
Michigan State will upset Iowa
Did UNO win today? If Trev Alberts gets UNO going, let's run him for office as a Democrat...
Trev is a republican
Brilliant and classy. Hal '10!
Here are some Democrats that should be asked to consider running for office in the future;
Kim Robak
Lou Lamberty
Jane Fleming-Kleeb
Scott Kleeb
John Berge
Steve Latrop
Patrick Leahy
Chris Rodgers
John Green
Patrick Cavanaugh
Scott Winkler
Crystal Rhoades
Paul Bryant
Heath Mello
Jennifer Rassmussen
Mike Leahy
Are you listening Jim Rodgers?
Are you assuming Paul Bryant would run as a Republican? And why?
Kim already said no, several times.
Lou is old.
At least you're thinking though.
I used to listen to Paul Bryant's radio show and have seen some of his community efforts. I am not assuming because of his race than he must be a Democrat.
Sounds like Hal wants to run for office again.
How about City Council? I think he is in Franklin Thompson's district.
If I were Mr. Fahey maybe I don't want to have Webster street west of the new ballpark named after me.
What if it turns out like 16th street South of the Doubletree;
a dump?
Since the powers that be in Omaha decided we could go it alone with a ten-day baseball stadium, what use have they for Webster street anyway except for a street sign?
ricky from omaha
former State Senator Ernie Chambers is stating on his tv show that Douglas County CSI worker planted evidence and will be found guilty in court.
Former state Senator Ernie Chambers is clinically insane.
We could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble with term limits and this learning community boondoggle if someone would have had the courage to say so publicly. But who wants to be called a racist for the rest of their lives?
Ernie Chambers is a bully and for decades was a blight on our legislature (reading the Bible aloud in the chamber for hours) and a burden on all taxpayers (lawsuit against God).
Mike Kennedy and the Republicans played this brilliantly. Say some nice things about Fahey but Daub should be honored. Forcing the Dems to say something nice about Daub. ( Notice how quiet they all were?) Now Daub drops out making Fahey and the Dems look petty if they go on with this.
Have you heard Becka's song about Mike Fahey street? It's right on the mark.
Nice spin Kennedy. Go have another cup of coffee while you watch some more distorted Fox News.
I think Kennedy said both men were deserving for having a street named after them downtown. That was a nice political play. When pressed on KFAB, Suttle said it was a council matter. So now Jerram and the other Dems have to trash Daub or name a street after him. An even more shrewd observation is that Daub's name serves as a "Poison pill" and nothing gets named. Nice work Mike!
Did anybody realize that Daub included Morgan and Boyle as persons that deserve praise? What a statesman.
Great job, Mike! Keep up the fantastic work for keeping Omaha's best interests alive. We need more people like you!!
Hey Paul, What are Keith Obberman's talking points today? I need to know how many days are left before the oceans rise 100 feet!!
Jim Suttle, Mike Fahey, Hal Daub all deserve to be criticized for not being honest about Omaha's budget and financial situation. The unions deserve blame for fattening their own benefits at taxpayer expense. The public should be called out for not paying enough attention to the budget, financial schemes, etc...
Come on PEOPLE?! What are you thinking???!!!!
Let's rename the City Council Legislative Chamber after the one and only, "the man", R.J. Brown!!!
This is something we are can agree on!!
RJ Brown = private citizen watchdog of government
Since this is a political blog and without besmirching the others(including Hal) you have to give Fahey credit as the only two four year term mayor who completed two terms undefeated, unresigned and unrecalled mayor since the Charter change in the 1950's
9 out of 10 of Fahey's "accomplishments" were simply cutting the ribbon on projects Daub conceived and got started -- often as a lone and unpopular voice at first.
You need to add Scott Hazelrigg to the list of future D candidates. Great pro-choice, pro-gay rights, Susie Buffett candidate.
Speaking of candidates . . .
A new week has started . . . will the Democrats announce any candidates for Governor?
Let's see some action by Covalt, Rogers and Samp.
Has anyone seen David "Pepe" Boomer lately?
If what six dollar parker says is true then we should tip our cap to Mr Fahey for at least that accomplishment.
But that stroke of luck does not deserve an Omaha street named after you.
ricky from omaha
Seriously... why are you all giving this your time of day? Just an exercise in vanity.
Notice how NNN seems to be out of new things to say? They've been recycling old posts lately.
Washington Post poll . . .
VA Gov race:
McDonnell 55
Deeds 44
Looks like a GOP pick-up!
off topic a bit BUT......
Why is Nordquist using campaign funds for his new web site?
Oh and is this an effort to cover his tax and spend desires with "the cuts are what the people want....." ".....I really wanted to raise taxes but the people made me cut them...."
According to an NADC opinion requested by Senator Avery:
"The funds of a candidate committee of a State Senator may be used to establish a legislative website which will not be used for campaigning or campaign purposes. Legislative staff may participate in maintaining the content of the website and responding to constituents and others communicating through the website."
This is only source of funds senators have for this activity.
More interesting news but not about a street...
NJ Gov's race
Christie 46
Corzine 43
Daggett 7
Daggett's a good guy but as he falls, Christie gets his support. Still close!
Could be a pick-up!
Disregard prior post!
Two new polls just out--both by Public Policy Polling...
VA Gov
McDonnell 58
Deeds 41
NJ Gov
Christie 42
Corzine 38
Could be TWO GOP pick-ups in the making.
btw--Public Policy Polling is a Democratic firm.
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