Early (and all) returns can be found at the Douglas County Election Commission.
You get them when everyone else gets them.
That being said, we are told that the returns are counted and posted as follows:
8:00 PM City wide pick up of votes from open to lunch (1:00 or so)
8:52 PM Early votes and votes in person made before today
9:30 PM City wide afternoon pick ups
TBA Other remaining afternoon pick ups
Keep watchin'!
oh Hal.
172 out of 284 precincts have been counted. Hal has a lead of about 450 votes. I wish we knew which precincts were left.
we're all democrats now.
we're all F'd now...
What are the odds that Suttle gets recalled within four years?
"And, in conclusion, I wish Omaha's 50th mayor, Jim Suttle, all the best as he embarks on his term as the Mayor of Omaha."
This epic defeat marks the end of Hal Daub as a candidate for major political office. Truly an historic milestone for the Douglas County Democratic Party and its allies. Indeed, now having lost two elections in the past six months, Chip Maxwell's political career is effectively finished.
A Two-Fer.
Coda: Epic Failure for the Douglas County Republican Party. DCRP has been thoroughly and unambiguously P'owned since 2001. R.I.P.
Wake up, people!
What is Mayor Stubble's plans for reduction in crime? Getting our AAA bond rating back? Building that stupid 3rd bridge to Iowa? Getting that industrial park in Iowa??
Yeah right, Jackass Stubble has not one f-ing plan.
Wha? Where are all the L-Street poster tonight? Must have turned in early tonight.
Wake up, people!
To 10:33 PM May 12th:
I think the odds are very good that Suttle will get recalled w/in the next 4 years since he doesn't know what he is doing. And he IS taking on a tough job. But first he's likely to run Omaha into the ground. So, we better get the recall petitions ready!!!
I think Omahan's are in trouble with Jim at the helm. He got what he wanted tho, BUT, did we the people? NOT really!!!
Again, yey, he got what he wanted; he wants to play MAYOR - OUR 50th MAYOR. I guess it's something for him to put into his scrapbook. LOL
Sorry Hal... but we tried !!! And, you are the 'most qualified' man for the job as our mayor. I feel sorry for Omaha now!!!
It is extremely dissappointing and worrisome to think of Omaha going down the tubes. Our debt is high and may go higher!!!
Maybe the ONLY reason Suttle got more votes is because he got the UNO students to back him.
But, how very unfortunate for Omaha that a great many of the students (political science students or not) may have voted without any real concern. And to think that a great many of these students may not even be from Omaha, but just here for their 4 year degrees. And then will be off to somewhere else for their careers. And, we may be stuck here with a huge mess. Why would they care?
It may be, that young college students should NOT be allowed to vote, esp unless they are ACTUALLY from the city that they are voting in !!! Afterall, these youths may have been just 'cocky little kids' and thought they were 'being cute' without really knowing the real issues. How unfortunate for us though !!!
I for one will NEVER want to go on Suttle's tobboggan run.
Nor, will I EVER want to drive across his bridge (from North Omaha across the river) to an Iowa cornfield. But, when he gets this new bridge built, I vote we name it 'the Hal Daub' bridge !
p.s. When did Suttle say the Pope is scheduled to arrive. Or, is that the first lie?
Mayor Tom Hanafan... LOOK OUT... Suttle wants to build a bridge to come over to Council Bluffs and try to take over your city.
I feel real sorry for you. He'll be a pain in your side.
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