Before you head on down to the Dubliner or Barrett's or your favorite watering hole for a nie pint of Guinness or three, we present ye with a little St. Paddy's Day nod from two of your candidates for Mayor of Omaha, (from Saturday's parade).
Kudos to both campaign for going that extra mile (or is it kilometer?) for the parade, for that single day's use.
First to the Vokalians for the special parade banner:

Jim Vokal came out yesterday with his Development Plan for Downtown Omaha.

With a swipe at his opponents, Vokal said, "This is not a bloated stimulus-type plan thatcalls for unnecessary expansion of some existing facilities at an unknown cost to taxpayers."
You can see the entire plan, which includes a satellite map of the areas affected, by clicking here.
(What, you can't get that from any of the other media sources? Well I'll be...)
Of course the boo-birds came out as well on Vokal's plan. Jim Suttle says "The Mayor has proposed to do a master plan that's long overdue for the entire downtown. Let's let the professionals put this plan together to see what works and what doesn't work."
Well, actually it was the City Council who approved funding for the the Master Plan spearheaded by Suttle's old company, HDR. But the idea that the Mayoral candidates should sit on the sidelines, as Suttle here suggests, is goofy. Wonder if the Master Plan will include Toboggan Runs, ice rinks and economic development in Iowa.
While Vokal says that he does not propose public money to be used for his plan, "Mayoral candidate" Randy Brown had a good zinger, "I just wonder where all these investors are going to come from that are gonna want to invest in a city that can’t afford to turn on the lights on the walking bridge." (Ah, but in a City like Omaha Randy, there are always investors....)
For the gang out in the Third District's Greater Nebraska (as opposed to those Omahans and Lincolnites in "Lesser Nebraska"), here is part of a short interview of Congressman Adrian Smith by the conservative Heritage Foundation:
Heritage Foudation: What does “Conservatism” mean to you?
Adrian Smith: It means thinking about the future in applying the principals established by our country’s founders. We have more than 200 years of evidence that conservatism works, and we need to apply it moving forward in all areas. I don’t need to remind readers the key to a successful civilization is economic freedom. The challenge now is to live up to those ideals.
Of course the boo-birds came out as well on Vokal's plan. Jim Suttle says "The Mayor has proposed to do a master plan that's long overdue for the entire downtown. Let's let the professionals put this plan together to see what works and what doesn't work."
Well, actually it was the City Council who approved funding for the the Master Plan spearheaded by Suttle's old company, HDR. But the idea that the Mayoral candidates should sit on the sidelines, as Suttle here suggests, is goofy. Wonder if the Master Plan will include Toboggan Runs, ice rinks and economic development in Iowa.
While Vokal says that he does not propose public money to be used for his plan, "Mayoral candidate" Randy Brown had a good zinger, "I just wonder where all these investors are going to come from that are gonna want to invest in a city that can’t afford to turn on the lights on the walking bridge." (Ah, but in a City like Omaha Randy, there are always investors....)
For the gang out in the Third District's Greater Nebraska (as opposed to those Omahans and Lincolnites in "Lesser Nebraska"), here is part of a short interview of Congressman Adrian Smith by the conservative Heritage Foundation:
Heritage Foudation: What does “Conservatism” mean to you?
Adrian Smith: It means thinking about the future in applying the principals established by our country’s founders. We have more than 200 years of evidence that conservatism works, and we need to apply it moving forward in all areas. I don’t need to remind readers the key to a successful civilization is economic freedom. The challenge now is to live up to those ideals.
What is at the top of your ‘I tunes’ play list right now?
Michael W. Smith and Vota
Name three interesting guests (living) you would like to host for dinner.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia
Who was your influence in conservatism?
Ronald Reagan (for obvious reasons) and a taxpayer from Denmark whom I met years ago who showed me just how out of control government can get.
What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Having the freedom to pursue opportunities relating to my faith while upholding the ideals of our Founding Fathers.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Eating too much after 10:00 p.m.
What is the last book you read, and do you recommend it?
Currently reading several excellent books, but one which springs to mind is When Character was King, by Peggy Noonan. Yes, I would recommend it.
What do you worry about?
The value of the dollar, the future of family farming and the “brain drain” in rural America.
Name your hidden talent.
Dabbling in music now and then.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Switching from Democrat to Republican in the 4th grade.
Eight years in the legislature. Three years in Congress. Still, Adrian Smith's "greatest achievement" is choosing to be Republican when he was 10 years-old?
As sad as that is for him, it's much sadder for the voters of the Third Congressional District.
Hey, I'm famous! I made Leavenworth Street! I'm the one in the green shirt with the Daub crowd. Go Hal Go!
Brilliant! A plan for the riverfront.
Wait, where have we heard that before?
Of course! Hal Daub has a plan for everything! Unfortunately for us, most of them are "secret."
Actually - forget the riverfront. Hal told me last week that the Missouri River itself was all his idea.
We all still wonder when you will have your awakening Kyle.
"This is not a bloated stimulus-type plan that calls for unnecessary expansion of some existing facilities at an unknown cost to taxpayers."
This statement makes absolutely no sense. How does Vokal know what the cost will be for his plan. Wouldn't you have a much more accurate estimate of what something would cost if you are just expanding as opposed to building something from new from scratch. Nobody knows how much a pedestrian bridge in NODO would cost.
I don't want a mayor that can come up with grand plans with no idea of how to execute them. Vokal gave no specifics on how any of this would get done. Relying on private investors is not feasible for most of Vokal's projects. What private investor is going to build a pedestrian bridge in NODO? Maybe it can be a pedestrian toll bridge.
This is nothing but a vision. There is nothing concrete in this plan. I want more out of my mayor than vision. I want results and I want specifics on how he's going to get things done. I can come up with my own vision for downtown - just give me a piece of paper and pencil. The fact that I can come up with a plan doesn't make me a good candidate for mayor.
I still like the toboggan idea, especially if I could ride it with the Pope. Those Germans always do well at the toboggan.
Anon 10:42...I know what ever is written here will never change your mind, butlet me ask you how you would negotiate a contract.
Would you:
A) Announce to everyone in the world what your goals are to the public including the specific numbers as it raltes to % of salary paid for pension, retirement ages, et cetera.
B) Sit down with the baragining unit and start from a position of stength or equality because the other side does not know what your bottom line is.
I would guess in "A" Vokal would probably not make as much head way as Daub would (or anyone for that matter) in "B".
The only thing new Vokal would be brining to the table are finger sandwiches and pretzels.
Vokal said, "This is not a bloated stimulus-type plan thatcalls for unnecessary expansion of some existing facilities at an unknown cost to taxpayers."
Ummm, okay. Let's just say Vokal's plan "is a bloated plan at an unknown cost to taxpayers that will never, ever happen."
Give me a break, Jim Vokal. How do you propose paying for any of this? How is this a "very detailed" plan, if it doesn't have any place in reality?
Just looking at Vokal's document and after going to the Downtown Master Planning Charrette (sp?) last night: seems like both are using the same ideas. Extending Riverfront Drive south to the UP bridge, soccer fields north of Abbott Dr, perhaps tearing down the Civic and redeveloping it, buying back and developing the lawn at Physicians Mutual...all exactly the same ideas. I actually like most of them, just thought people should know that's whats being thought of for the new downtown master plan
Anon 1:40 --
Very interesting. Thanks for that info. So not only does Vokal not give any details on how he plans to pay for any of his "ideas," they also aren't any of his original ideas in the first place. Nice vision Jordan, um, I mean Jim.
Hey SS:
Looks like Daub is a big fan, considering in today's OWH article, Daub proposes web site to monitor city spending, where Daub actually gives credit to Osborn for his ideas.
Maybe all the anons serve a purpose after all. Just in case I am right about that, I'm curious how LB63 and LB63a would affect Daub's plan on combating gang violence?
Maybe the other readers have some ideas they would like to hear from the candidates in tomorrow night's debate.
On a separate note, did you miss the Papal battle flags of the Suttle campaign at the St. Patty's Day Parade? Hopefully some reader will provide you a pic.
The Papal battle flags were the most amusing part. Very effective marketing but rather hysterical for a political campaign.
Godbless the Irish, and no one else!!!
Would all three candidates for mayor accept stimulus money from Obama?
I will wait for an answer
Hal Daub is nuts - the guy is so wired, so hyper, it really scares me.
TO: Kyle ------ The switch evidently meant a lot to Smith and framed his foundation of weighing facts on issues before each vote.
As a voter of the 3rd I appreciate the values of our Congressman. You and many think taking the secret ballot vote from a worker to form a union is right and good. I and most in the 3rd are appalled. Smith voted and stood firm for worker rights.
You and many on the left think the "Fairness Doctoring" is fair. If our government censored university professors and public school teacher similar to the manner you are trying to gag radio stations you would be up in arms and comparing it historically to burning books. YOU do not want fairness you want people like ACORN to be allowed to steal elections.
Smith got 77% of the voters of the 3rd for being a leader, not a whiner who does not hold dear the freedoms and liberties of our founders.
What's the deal with the candidate the Democrats have recruited to challenge Congressman Smith? Rebekah Smith? Yale educated, 27ish, and a part-time "pastor." It appears that the erstwhile Professor Kleeb was scared of becoming a 3-time loser, and chose instead to convince another Yale lackey to move to Nebraska and try to pull the wool over the eyes of 3rd district voters. Mrs. Haven Smith she is not.
Did anyone notice in Vokal's speech on his downtown plan he accidently said "private parts" when talking about donors and quickly corrected himself? Wonder if it was a Freudian slip after the Omaha Police mailing on sexual predators.
Hal Daub is so old, Abraham Lincoln's school was named after him.
How can you not love Adrian Smith?
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