Get out and vote already, wouldja!?
We will try to post what we find out today and tonight, but frankly, odds are you won't be finding any early exit polls here.
So what do you do in the mean time?
Well, first, take a look at this fine VIDEO Separated at Birth suggested quite some time back by a Leavenworth Street reader:
Scott Kleeb, and the Hombre Guy from "Friends".
And now, feel free to comment on all the big races and down-ballot races that you've been itching to talk about.

MUD Board of Directors race -- I'm voting for Mike McGowan. Mike recently retired after a 36 year career with Northern Natural Gas here in Omaha. He's the only MUD Board candidate with real world utility industry management knowledge and experience. Based on the knowledge, he can get MUD management to seriously look at programs that would: (1) let residential customers lock-in their natural gas costs for a year at a time no matter how cold the winter may be and without any account balance adjustment at the end of the year; and (2) let commerical/small business customers have gas supplier choice like the big industrial customers already use to reduce their energy costs.
Im voting for Mike McGowan and Tim Cavanaugh. They are by far and away the best for the MUD Board based on knowledge and experience.
Omasteak - you can vote for 2 on the MUD.
Hey Leavenstreetworth: Just want to thank you for all the coverage of Scott. Just typing up some resumes and getting things packed up here. You may not see me for a while, I can't believe I stayed in this state this long!!! How did I get talked into moving from the East Coast and now live in Hastings Nebraska??? Well leavenstreetworth it was fun. I found a nice congressional seat in Connecticut Scott can run for. Well off to pack!!!
To Jane K: Maybe you should have met an unemployed Creighton Lawyer instead of a Ivy league educated ranchhand!!!
Oscar-worthy video there, Sweeper. I'm still laughing.
I voted this morning in Douglas County at 8 a.m. Long line out of my polling place all the way to the parking lot. I've NEVER seen that at my polling place (in West O) before. Great sign!
Oh. And GO JIM ESCH!! :)
Anonymous 9:55--if there are long lines in W.O., then that is bad for Esch. Those are overwhelmingly Republican voters who are supporting Terry.
Try again.
Anon 10:02 -- uh, not so fast. I'm a Republican voter that voted for Jim Esch -- and most of the chatter around me seemed to be for Barack Obama and Jim Esch too. Just because someone is registered Republican does NOT mean they are voting for the Republican candidates this year.
I rarely forward anything...this I will. Raise the lights...take a bow SS!!!
To Brad Ashford: quit posting as an anonymous Republican voter. Just because you voted for Esch the other republicans out West did!!! Oh I hear your running for mayor now Brad, I'm sure Jim Vokal is pissed at you now. Face it folks we are going to have a Daub-Suttle general election.
Have you seen how many Obama and Esch signs are out in West Omaha?
I'm not sure how large turnouts would help Terry. I'd ask for some data to support this, but the only thing this site does is post YouTube links for Lee Terry's ads.
A large turnout helps Terry b/c there are more R's than D's in the 2nd. And traditionally, more I's have voted for Terry than his opponents.
And, my, you visit this blog a lot for the amount of bitching you do about it. We're happy to have you though...
Ah, but there are now more D's than R's in Douglas County, and that's where I was voting. And I certainly wouldn't count on all the Republicans voting Republican this time around, and I certainly wouldn't count on all or many of the I's voting Republican this time either. This is not a Republican year at all.
Except the 2nd District encompasses more than Douglas.
And we've already given our outlook on this election, so I won't bother to repeat. (That's why we made this blog...).
If you see an interesting trend, or what have you today, post it here!
BLACK PANTHERS are blocking republican access to polling places in Philidelphia...How many Esch family members are intimidating Republican voters at the polls in West O? The Esch family is very intimidating!!!
Anon 11:00: there aren't many obama/esch signs in west O. There were way more Kerry signs in 2004. Overall, though, I have noticed that there have been very few lawn signs or bumper stickers for the candidates at the top of the ticket this election. I have no idea what that means, other than people are keeping their own counsel.
The Omaha World Herald will steal the election for Lee Terry and John McCain just like they did for Hal Daub against Brenda Council.
Remember with less than 4 days til the election the OWH set up a private lie detector test for Hal Daub and then he won by 491 votes over Brenda Council. The OWH has a stake in the company that ran the election.
I'm sure all the scared white suburban votes are freaked out about a Communist black president that they will have like a 95% voter turnout and think they are all so Christian...
give the poor people a chance..
See folks, even the kooks are allowed to vote (and comment on Leavenworth Street)! Welcome.
I have seen a whole lot more of the Esch signs in my West O neighborhood and the surrounding areas than Terry signs. I walked 10 sq. miles for Esch and counted only a handful of Terry signs. I lost track of all the Esch signs I saw.
One of your "anonymous" (anonymoae?) posters wrote:
"I'm sure all the scared white suburban votes are freaked out about a Communist black president that they will have like a 95% voter turnout and think they are all so Christian...
give the poor people a chance.."
Today (the day after the election) it was reported that, nationally, voter turnout was down from 2004. In exit polling, 95% of black voters said they voted for Obama. Exit polls also showed that more people with incomes above $150,00 per year voted for Obama than McCain, and more people with incomes less than $100,000 per year voted for McCain over Obama.
That would seem to run contrary to the race-baiting and class warfare "anonymous" post.
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