First, in our review of the Jim Esch for Congress campaign, we welcome those who found Leavenworth Street via "a MSM Omaha blog (Joe Jordan)". (No link Joe?)
As we noted in our last post, we are looking at Jim Esch's record to learn more about him. Esch recently submitted his personal financial disclosure report that all candidates for Congress must file. Mike Johanns, Scott Kleeb, Lee Terry, Jeff Fortenberry and the rest of the Congressional candidates all filed theirs by the appropriate deadline, May 15, 2008 (you can find the office holders' reports on Open Secrets ). The OWH wrote a story about it.
Jim Esch, however, failed to file his on time. Esch's finally-filed Financial Disclosure report, which you can read here, has a date-stamp of "June 30, 2008".
In any case, we wanted to find out more about Esch by looking at his employment information for 2007.
It seems he did some work for Creighton Prep for which he earned a salary of $4,011.38. And then he earned a salary of $10,000 (flat) from JBDHSK Partnership -- doing what, we don't know. So for the entire year of 2007, Esch earned $14,011 (and thirty-eight cents).
Can that even pay the rent?
We don't want to knock those of you who are scraping by, but you can make more than that that by serving french-fries for minimum wage.
So should we assume that Esch didn't work a forty hour week, for fifty weeks in 2007? OK, we'll assume he took some time off after the campaign. But when he did get back on the horse, what did he do?
His profile on (which we'll assume he or his campaign put up) indicates that he has been the "Managing Partner" for "Esch Agriculture and Energy" since 2006. In an April 2008 interview with the OWH he says he "joined a real estate partnership owned by his family and began learning the ropes of real estate law" and "worked with an uncle trying to develop a wind farm in southeastern Colorado." On his financial disclosure, he says he's the President of James Esch Farms, Inc. (Farmer Jim?)
Did he make any money doing that? Was it a pro-bono gig? We don't think it is the same entity as JBDHSK.
In an case, it seems the wind-farm biz isn't all it's cracked up to be or the Esch family biz doesn't pay much (salary).
We don't know what Esch made back during his run in 2006. But we're just a little worried that the thirty-three year old President of James Esch Farms, Inc. and General Partner of JBDHSK Partnership and Managing Partner of Esch Agriculture and Energy, who has made only fifteen grand in the past three years, with somewhere between $15,000 and $50,000 in "school loans", may have trouble paying the electric bills.
Of course he did give his campaign $107,000 in 2006.
Maybe that wind farming does pay off...
I wonder how "Ed" is going to defend this one? Or is he jealous of the 'salary' that Esch makes?
Heard that several activists are checking to see if Ernie Chambers will get into the race. He announces he's running as a write-in.
That then pushes Esch out of the race (since he couldn't win) and the party selects Chambers to go against Terry.
Getting elected to Congress is Jim Esch's get rich quick scheme. Vote for this man and your voting for class warfare. He wants to steal money from you're wallet and put it in his pocket and all the other lazy bums who are too lazy to go out and get a job.
How can he donate over $100k to his campaign and still have outstanding student loans??? This guy is obviously living off mommy and daddy...and he's ready to serve in Congress voting on hundreds of billions of dollars???
BTW, tell those "activists" that Ernie already has a new job...on the new learning community board. Hell, it was designed and passed just for him. Plus it pays better than his old job.
JBDHSK's ownership:
Sure are a lot of Esches. Interesting partnership, though. They collect farm subsidies, but not enough to keep Jim at a .223 BAC.
They also own what looks like a vacant lot (assessed at $600!) on East Fort St.
It gets better. The JBDHSK partnership got virtually all of its subsidy from the conservation reserve program, including a $700 sign-up bonus; most of the rest was for rental. The 'farm' for which they they got these payments was in Douglas Country, NE.
It's not possible, surely, that Esch was collecting CRP payments for a vacant lot, 5 blocks from Park'n'fly on E Fort St., in North Omaha?
Anyone looked into Terry's campaign manager's shady dealings with former governor of Connecticut, John Rowland?
John Rowland ended up in the slammer on corruption charges.
Terry's campaign manager seems to have had a whole New York Times article written about him and his involvement in the less than honorable (to say the least) incident in 2004.
Extra. Extra. Read all about it.
Anony at 2:14, (and future posters, please come up with a sign-in name or we will end up making everyone sign-in)
Instead of linking, please spell out what you think he did wrong.
What if Esch put out a "record." Would it be called "Songs in the key of D flat"???
To 3.95 UNl Student: You couldn't get a 4.0 from your History of Football class from Coach Osborne? Why do you call ensuring each person pays their fair share stealing? The government created the conditions so you can reacieve your 6 figure paycheck and live in your Suburban house with 2 Suv's in the driveway. Those taxes help the little guy out while you play golf at the country club. Are you sure you are not 2.0 Metro College Student???
Little Richie Rich, a.k.a. Jim Esch, is far from "the little guy."
Esch is a callow party boy who still depends on mom and dad for the rent.
End the joke. End the ever-so-pathetic Esch campaign.
Begin your delayed enterance into the adult world with some dignity, man...
I woulda had a 4.0, but the LIBERAL professor of my geology course tried to indoctrinate the class with his "theory" of evolution. I wrote a term paper proving that the Grand Canyon was created in the Great Flood, and that junk scientist failed me. But, that's ok, you can mae fun of me to distract from your boy Jimmy getting totally dissed on this blog. He needs to grow up and get a real job instead of trying to get into Congress so that he can rob me of my property to give to his poor "little guy" friends who are just waiting for a government handout instead of trying to find a job.
Eschy must really be a Repuklican in disguise. His tax returns are done just like every other Repuklican. Nobody in the real business(Repuklicans) world shows their real income.
Seems like David Boomer (Terry's campaign manager) has a history of trying to hide and deflect his own boss's record and misdeeds by scouring financial disclosures and fec reports of their opponents.
Seems like corruption in Connecticut and defying House rules in Omaha are fine and dandy, as long as you can try and ruin the reputation of your political opponents.....according to Mr. Boomer.
How was it visiting John Rowland in the state pen?
Anony at 4:18 (REALLY, come up with a name, OK?),
I've read the NYT article. Please tell me what Boomer did wrong exactly. Reading public financial disclosures? Really?
That's quite the complaint you've got there. Interesting.
On come on Sweeper, you're smarter than that. Would the New York Times (and The Boston Globe, etc.) do a whole story on someone just for "reading public financial disclosures"?
He was working at the behest of his long-time boss to try and find ways to smear the committee that was assembled to start impeachment proceedings against good ol' Governor Rowland.
That there is dirty politicking at its finest!
Uh, yes. That's what the liberal Globe and Times do. The moan and wail at anything Republicans do. Sorry to burst your bubble.
In this case, Boomer was reading public financial disclosures.
Now if Boomer had picked up the binder they were in and THREW them at someone, you might have a real story on your hands...
Okay, you're right. It's nuthin. No big deal. Mr. Boomer and his long-time boss Rowland, are just squeeky clean. Gotcha.
Good to know that's how things are going to be played around here.
I have no idea about Rowland. For all I know he's an axe murderer who eats live kittens.
But your point is about Boomer. Who was "accused" of reading public financial disclosures.
(Oooh that sounds so diiiirty...)
4.0 ------- I never heard from you yet whether Esch is PROGRESSIVE like Obama and Kleeb --- who supports stealing from the POOR workers and GIVING to the RICH UNION BOSSES!!!!
It is beyond me how a person that claims to be intelligent keeps drinking the Kool-Ade!!!! (As per the above previously documented proof of corruption by UNIONS and Democrat candidates of Nebraska willfully selling their soul for tainted campaign contributions)
Well I, for one, would be interested in hearing from Mr. Boomer why he felt the need to read the financial disclosure forms for the democrats who were selecting the committee to begin impeachment hearings against his long-time boss, Mr. Rowland.
Was it just for fun? Is that what he does in his spare time just because?
Yeah, it certainly helps explain Mr. Boomer's obsession with Jim Esch's financial disclosure.
He has a history of tearing down political opponents by scouring their finances.
Seems like Robert Ward, a REPUBLICAN from Mr. Boomer's state of Connecticut, the House minority leader at the time, also had a problem with Mr. Boomer's antics. He called them a "bad idea" and they "set a bad tone."
Chuck, how about a little less sauce on your part. Are you still at the Jay or have you moved on to Martini Bars?
What's with all the ANGER. Did your therapist piss you off today?
Peace Man-we have an election coming up & a long way to go.
The issue here goes to trust and being honest. Esch has stated that he has a significant management position with his family's company. But, he's paid at an intern's salary.
Yesterday's topic is another example of this. The DUI is not the issue. What is is that Esch never leveled with the voters and disclosed this conviction when he ran in 06. He should have.
Esch didn't level with people in 06, he's not being honest with them now (with his employment) and he just seems not to care about following rules (filing FEC reports six months late).
Some of you don't think character issues are important. We'll see.
Okay, shall we talk character issues:
1) Lee Terry plagiarizes word for word all "his positions" on the issues page of his campaign website from a House Republican government document.
2) Lee Terry defies House rules by using audio/video of House Floor proceedings on his campaign website for political purposes.
3) Lee Terry hires a campaign manager from out of state who has been one of the "top aides" to one of the most corrupt governors in Connecticut's history. This governor was sent to the slammer. What does this "top aide" to the governor do when a committee is being formed to begin impeachment proceedings against this corrupt governor? He goes after the democrats who are selecting the committee to impeach the gov -- by scouring their financial disclosures.
I think character issues can be questioned on both sides.
Folks--Jim Esch is now paying himself back on the loans he made to the 06 race (July Quarterly report, FEC).
He's asking people to open their wallets for his campaign . . . but then puts the $$$ back into his own wallet. Nice, huh?
Spread the word.
Ink, you're so caught up in playing on the internet all day, I hope Lee is paying you enough.
Regarding loans from candidates to their committees: They are allowed, and they can fundraise to pay them off. Don't like it? Well, maybe you should go talk to Pete Rickets about his self loan of over $7.2 Million.
3.95 unl student--that thing about The Grand Canyon and the Great Flood. Oh my goodness, you are the funniest person this board has ever seen. Keep up the good work. Next time maybe you can get an A from Right Wing Professor by proving snakes can talk.
Warren Buffet makes a $1 a year at Berkshire. Maybe Jim is the next Warren Buffet????
Arlo ------------- the sauce that is pissing me off is named OBAMA.
I have seen over and over where UNIONS have cheated workers out of their retirement.
Now we have a person running for President that said by his actions he doesn't give a crap about the little guy only what the UNIONS can give him in the way of campaign donations. Obama is a prostitute to big union money.
I can see you do not share my defense of the rank and file. You may never have to sweat on your job, but me and my friends have build this country one 2 x 4 at a time.
Now it is quite evident who will get my vote ---- McCain and Terry. At least they care about the workers of this country, while you just poke fun at our plight!!!
Anony 11:49 - Nah. I'm just jealous of your phenomenal wit and charm.
I have taken the time to read every single blog on this post. There have been many interesting comments made about Jim Esch. Some valid, some off the wall, and some that are very entertaining.
Here are my thoughts:
-Definition of a lie is A falsehood uttered or acted for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth; an untruth spoken with the intention to deceive.
Do I think Jim lied to us about his previous DUI arrest? No, I do not. Do I think he should have presented this to us during his 2006 Campaign? No, I do not. Please keep in mind. This is strictly my opinion. Do I think what Jim did was selfish and bad judgement? ABSOLUTELY!!!! He endangered the lives of anyone who was on the road with him that night. However, let's keep things in perspective. No one was killed! No one was hurt! Does that make it right. NO!!! But do we need to be still talking about it 7 years later, NO!!! God forgives, and so do I.
-We all need to ask ourselves out of the two candidates who is truly going to Shape the Future of America? Who can relate and inspire all generations that they can make a difference? Who truly has the ability to articulate their vision? Who can regenerate the American Ideal like President JFK did while in his short term in office?
Difficult question to answer. Or... is it? For being in office for 10 years, I would hope that more would have been accomplished than renaming a post office. There were 34 newly elected Congressmen in 1998 including Lee Terry. Out of that 34, Lee Terry ranks 31st. Out of his class 20 of them are ranked in the top 200. Out of 435 Congressmen currently in office, he ranks 321. If anyone is interested on where I got this information, please visit Very educational.
I see that quite a few people have stated that Jim doesn't have any experience. Well, you have to start some where. I guess if you are satisfied with one bill being passed in almost 10 years of office making a difference in this country, please feel free to cast your vote for Lee Terry. I on the other hand cannot tolerate status quo for another two years. My vote is for Jim.
4.0 UNL student - Please take a moment of reflection. You claim to attend the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. A fine institution of higher education. You claim to be a 4.0 honor student. You elevate yourself by proclaiming these accolades, and you appear to be a liberal.
Yet, you judge others by their GPA or worse yet, their institute of higher education.
As a Metro Community College who paid my own way through school, taking night classes, while balancing my life as a single mother, I am asking you to reflect on your words and your judgments.
However clever you fancy yourself, your prejudice is evident. I will be interested to know how you feel about income and property taxes when you have a full-time job and a mortgage. Moreover, I will be interested to know if you are paying your own way through school or if parents in the suburbs are helping you accomplish your goal. For your sake, I hope you are that blessed. I also hope you are bright enough to see that your judgments are hurtful and likely said with the naivety of youth.
I. on the other hand, will continue to make my way. And should anyone care to know, I happen to be a conservative who will vote for Lee Terry and Mike Johanns.
Right Wing Professor doesn't believe in talking snakes.
He can also quite reliably detect trolls, and worries that some of our profs might NOT fail a student for claiming the Grand Canyon was created in some recent flood, Noachian or other.
To Metro Grad: Because I have a 4.0, you and others pay for my schooling. Thank you. Second, UNL is a great institution focused on research and intensive studies. Metro is a good school Metro Grad. How long did it take you to become a Chef?
WOW 4.0 unl! The 4.0 GPA along with your admiring attitude toward others' will go far in your life. Your parents must be so proud!! Keep up the good work!
Wrigley4: are you serious? Shape the Future of America? By a Congressman from Nebraska? Inspire people like JFK? And you think Jim Esch is that guy? Jim Esch is going to get bills passed in his first 10 years in Congress? Heck, let's give him 20. One generation from now, Jim Esch may be an effective Congressman. Lee Terry is already halfway there. If we can't drill in ANWR because we wouldn't get any benefit for 20 years, we sure as heck can't take a chance on Esch.
BTW, I used a sign-in name. SS, I'm sure you are very happy to have the problem of too many Anons.
How about these 10 years that Lee Terry has been in office? Let alone that his seniority rating even after being there for so long is abysmal, how would you rate the health of our country?
Is the country better off now than 10 years ago? Most definitely not! Omaha and the country cannot afford another 10 years of Lee Terry!
I'd agree that we can't afford another 10 years of Lee Terry but replacing him with a know-nothing, do-nothing living-off-his-family loser isn't the answer. It's getting a true conservative along the lines of IA's Steve King elected. Terry may be a permanent backbencher but Esch wouldn't even accomplish that much. He would be a really good bet for ethics violations and lots of earmarks for family and friends.
But we're not going to get a good Republican to run until Lee Terry is out of there. My proposal: vote Lee out, put up with two years of Jim Esch, and then get an effective Republican from Omaha to run in 2010.
Come on. Omaha can do MUCH better!
Please cut and paste here a copy of Jim's energy plan.
Oh, that's right. You don't have one.
Everyone can see Lee Terry's plan at his web site--plus, they can still watch the Dingell video.
That's funny, I found Esch's energy plan on his website with about two clicks.
I guess it is understandable that Ink couldn't find it. By the looks of Terry's website, their campaign isn't very computer savvy.
This Esch behavior seems like it might be fraudulent/illegal. With all of the govt. agencies we have these days I would hope one of them would investigate this type of stuff. Anyone have an idea of what office handles these sort crime/scandles? If so, please include the phone number so we can all call.
In the mean time, the silence is deafening on the Senate race here at LS. Guess the fact Kleeb pulled in more money in the second quarter than Johanns, and had double the donors is a reality that is trying to be avoided.
Patience, Young Grasshopper.
Leavenworth Street will be addressing the Senate race and the fundraising in due time.
However, we prefer to see the reports ourselves, as opposed to hearing the spin of the press ops.
Hey Anonymous 11:42--do you have a copy of Jim's sub-prime mortgage plan? Or should I just get it from Brookings?
Hey Ink, you look for his sub-prime mortgage plan, and I'll go look up how Lee feels about EVERY issue at
Anonymous--did you make a contribution this month to Esch?
Maybe it was among the $8,000 that he pocketed back to himself.
Good to see that contributor's money is at work--the cash flow of the 'Jay has improved dramatically we hear.
I can already tell you what the report says SS. Both candidates raised ungodly amounts of money from mostly non-nebraska sources and have sold their souls already. Assuming they have souls to sell of course. Johanns im not to sure about (all he seems to care about is staying in elected office)
Shall we talk about some of the "meals and travel" that Lee Terry uses his contributor's money for?
I'm sure the Nebraskans that donate to Lee just LOVE paying for all his meals at the Capitol Hill Club!
But what's Esch gonna do now that all his family members have maxed out for the general?
Where's he gonna get the dough?
$140k (Jim's cash on hand) pays for a week of TV and that's it for you guys, bucko.
Does anyone think Mayor Fahey is pissed that his $2,300 contribution to Jim's campaign went from his wallet right into Jim's?
Let's see if Stormy Dean ponies up any more bucks for Jim. He gave $250!
And it then went right into Jim's wallet (or for the bar tab at the 'Jay).
I read the article about Dave Boomer and I would like to know when looking up public records on elected officials became a crime or scandal?
This anonymous individual who posted the article is obviously an Esch supporter, and it is typical of the Esch campaign to ignore or deny everything and make false accusations. What we need to remember is that Jim Esch was the one who was arrested, went to jail, and was endangering not only his own life but the lives of others by running red lights and driving while extremely intoxicated.
Maybe if the police weren't so busy protecting us from wreck less criminals like Jim Esch they would have more time to track down heinous individuals like Dave Boomer who are out there exercising first amendment rights.
Right....and of course, we know Lee Terry and his supports NEVER say things that aren't true or overblown. They're all perfect little angels annointed by God.
Could I have some of that Jonestown kool-aid?
People, remember the purpose of debate is to win the other side over, not to insult them.
Therefore, Eschies, I present the following argument.
Eight years ago this country had the choice between an experienced nerd who took credit for more than he actually did, but claimed to have an energy policy and a young, unproven candidate with a prior misdemeanor conviction who was using his families' money and connection to get elected.
Can this country afford to make the same mistake again?
Wrigley4- Wow you're so prolific! As to your comment about JE starting somewhere, maybe he should try mowing lawns. That could at least technically pass as a job. Oh and if you are so "inspired" by JE, I can only imagine what time you finally drag your ass out of bed in the morning. Get a job and no matter what JE tells you, spending your parents money on drinks at nomad does not constitute employment.
Well, you dont know that a former welfare receipient is a Congresswoman now??
Lynne Woolsey is her name and she is from California.
Anything is certainly possible in this grand country of ours.
sledrunner: HUH?????
Maybe sledrunner should order an appetizer now.
Do you have someone to drive you home?
Macdaddy-I appreciate your opinion and passion for Lee Terry. With that being said, please educate me on how Lee Terry has inspired you and for that matter the state of Nebraska? What changes has he made to revitalize the American Ideal? Keep in mind, I am asking these questions due to his tenure in Senate. He has had 10 years to truly increase his status in Congress and we all know where he is compared to everyone else. I want specifics. I am a young married woman who cannot continue to sit back with Lee Terry being comfortable with being on the bottom of the totem pole in Congress. I want a "Go Getter". Lee Terry has had 10 years. It's just a job to him. Just as a side note, I asked 20 people today how they felt Lee Terry was doing as our Congressman. 11 out of the 20 did not know who he was. 7 out of the 11 were 30 years and older. Out of the people that did know him they could not give me anything substantial on his success. I understand this is just 20 people, but I would love to do a more in depth survey. Nebraska does not know what he has done, and the reason.... He hasn't done anything.
And as to youdontunderstandhowcongressworks- Your so call "intellectual retort" to my blog OPINION is funny to me. You have the right to disagree. I am just not sure why you feel the need to talk about my "ass". Rather than talking about my ass getting out of bed, take the time to convince me that I am wrong. I would love to hear your thoughts after your colorful response.
I have been reading this blog for a while. My friend at work knew I was a Lee Terry backer and told be I should check it out. After reading many of these comments, I decided I had better do my own research on Terry's record to see why I had been voting for him for so many years. What I found out was that I had been voting for absolutely NOTHING! I listen to 96.1 the Brew in mornings. They have this thing called sexy Thursdays. Lee Terry is on there saying that the 2nd congressional district is officially a part of sexy Thursdays. As a Lee Terry backer i thought that was odd because I know he has many conservative backers that may not think that's appropriate. The bottom line after researching his accomplishments is that he has renamed a post office AND made our district a part of sexy Thursdays. Let me tell ya- I'm so PROUD! What I really am is embarrassed that I didn't know that he really hadn't done anything. SHAME on me as a voter to not have known this. I will be checking out Jim Esch more closely to see what he has to offer.
Hey Esch dorks: How was the weiner feed today? Whatever.
I actually heard a rumor today from a Dem friend of mine that the Dems are bummed about Esch's potential, but they are giving him one more try because of mommy and daddy's pressure and then he is bye bye for good. Anyone heard that? Being a Dem myself I am quite embarrased about our candidates this year...ugh
Pulled from the Esch website under his 'Energy Plan': Clean Energy Jobs
So he wants others to work, just not himself.
To ----- GOBOGO
I am voting for Congressman Terry because he has helped stop Mrs. Pelosi for the last year and a half from implementing her SOCIALIST, radical leftwing adjenda.
Lee's voting record as assessed by groups that rate congress people for how they vote against bloated government spending rates him 85% or so. So If you like more government and higher tax ---- vote for Esch!!!! (BTW -- Obama usually get 5% or less for limiting government)
Metro Grad --- You are a hero and admired by many. As a single mother working your way through Metro that has exhibited pride and respect, I applaud you.
Do not let the elitist, extreme lefty, spoiled brat, 4.0 UNL, elevate your blood pressure, many more UNL grads admire your courage than his grade point. Your character and many like you, since its origin, has made Nebraska GREAT. 4.0 UNL is a cancer on society that we hope will leave our state to be part of the brain drain SOON.
Metro Grad, keep up the good work. Be the best Mom you can be!!!!!!!!! You are passing on a legacy that will make your children proud of their Mom.
Wrigley Gum Chewer,
First of all, your polling is flawed since Lee Terry has over 98%name ID, it would be very difficult to find the number of people that you claim to not know who Lee Terry is. Secondly, you are a Dumb*#! for drinking the koolaid and believing the Post Office thing. Yes, he did successfully request a non named Post Office be named after a prominent African American from Omaha and to say this is the least of his accmplishments, would be an insult to the family of that man. (Ever heard of CAFE Standards-let me give you a hint, it is not quality control at the local coffee shop!)
Second, I do believe that you can find so many people in your poll that have no idea what Mr. Terry has accomplished. Hell, you did not even know that he is not a Senator. He is a Member of Congress (a 2 body system of government), elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, and is titled Representative Terry and is referred to as a Congressman. BTW, U.S. Senators are also Members of Congress. Just in case I lost you, this means that when the Press refers to something that "Congress" has done (or not done, as in the case with medicare reimbursements to doctors before they went on July 4th "Holiday" SENATE inaction-the House had already passed it!) then you actually have to pay close attention to figure out if they mean the entire body, or only one house of the body.
Third, please do not insult the intelligence of the people on this Blog by trying to pretend to be of another Party and explain why my candidate is no longer worthy of your support that you supposedly had been giving him for the last 10years.
Now that I have said my piece, here is one for all you researchers:
Would Jim Esch be sad or glad if Lee Terry voted to abolish Ag Subsidies for non resident farmers?
What is Jim Esch's position on subsidies in the Energy Bill?
3.95 unl student is way off base if he/she thinks that getting elected to Congress was Jim Esch's only get rich scheme!
TOTK what you did last Summer
Boy, the Terry staff is sure working the blogs hard to try and keep their jobs come November, huh?
Wouldn't it suck to be jobless in this economy -- the economy that Terry helped create?
To Bennyj: Brain Drain??? My goal is to teach at UNL.
It sounds like the Esch staff is a little afraid of hard work. Maybe the should work a little harder to discover what kind of a candidate they have!
4.0 UNL student:
It is very telling that you want to be an academic. With your Marxist views (aka "progressive views") you would fit right in in academia. Stay in the safe sanctuary of your ivory tower and never enter the real world, spend your days telling us how stupid we all are for not espousing your socialist views while spewing your left-wing venum at the rest of us in the same boring, condecending and self-congratualtory manner that has polluted the minds of a generation of undergrads. I can tell you will fit right into this mold, congratulations.
How is progressivism = to marxism? Read Kleeb's agenda and point out how his plan is Socialist. Remember he expouses Nebraska values!!!
Congress may not be Esch's ONLY get rich quick sheme, but if you vote for him he'll get rich along with all the poor people and "middle class" who will be stealing from my pocket. And you know where the money will end up? MEXICO!!
Jim Esch is an illegal lovin, troop hatin, tax raisin, baby abortin, gun grabbin, suv bannin LIBERAL!
YOWZA, today your group therapy session?
The .05 makes a difference!!! Just read 3.95's rant!!!
Someone shold tell that idiot (3.95) that jim esch is pro-life and has even gottne endorsements from some of those groups. The lack of knowledge from some people here is astounding
Sorry A Security Guard--Nebr. Right to Life and Nebr United for Life both endorsed Terry, and only Terry.
Esch never had the common courtesy to send back to either group their questionnaire. Is this the kind of constituent service he'd render? Ignoring people?
Im voting for NONE of the ABOVE.
Couple of notes over on NNN.
1 - Richard Carter has joined Lee Terry's campaign.
2 - Lisa Hannah, ardent Hillary supporter, and Hillary delegate to the national convention is now the Obama campaign point person.
They just can't make up their minds over there.
Wrigley4: I don't get my inspiration from politicians. I get it from friends, family, Bible, co-workers, and especially our military. The only inspiration I want from politicians is the inspiration to go vote for them and they can do that by taking just a few simple positions... because I'm a simple guy.
Once again the lack of knowledge from people on this blog is astounding. Notice i never said which groups had endorsed him. Esch was endorsed by Democrats for Life. Google the group and you will see his name on there. Any other questions?
Hey Ed--thanks for the prompt for people to go to NNN. If they do, then can read all about Richard Carter's new role with Terry. (Our news release is posted there.)
Also, why do you think that so few people post comments in regard to stories on NNN? Many have no comments submitted or only a few. Meanwhile, recent Leavenworth stories have triggered as many as 180 posts. Why is that, in your mind?
Do people not read NNN?
So Jim introduced his "Easy Energy" plan today....huh? Is that like Easy Rider? The Big Easy? Easy Street? Speakeasy? If it is so easy what is it several pages on your website Jim? And what's really interesting it is a lot of words, but not much substance.
Jim talks alot, but few understand what he is saying
Oh yeah, because Terry's energy plan is SOOOOOO full of substance! Ha ha.
Terry has been a strong voice on energy issues for years. It's not his fault Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the tree huggers won't bring a decent energy bill to the floor...Nancy's worried that some of her own might actually vote for a Republican bill that includes drilling. Which is what most of America wants if you read the latest polls, but Nancy won't have anything to do with it. She has her own agenda and doesn't care what the American people want. She'll just let us all suffer with high energy costs until we die.
I still want to know what Terry has accomplished. Ya know I thought Carter was a total geek and very phony. hmmmmm... so now he thinks Lee Terry is so great! Birds of a feather flock together. Lee got elected based on the name recognition of his father. The reason Lee never made a big issue of Jim's DUI is because his father has been known as the town drunk for years. So, he couldn't exactly point fingers could he? I'm not sure the DUI is that big of a deal nowadays. Afterall, our current president is a recovering alcoholic, Obama admits and writes in a book that he did drugs, Bubba claims he didn't inhale-yeah right! Guess what no one is perfect! Jim got a DUI and Lee Terry can't accomplish a thing in ten years as congressman. I'm ready for a change! I did alot of digging today!
Now, now, do you really want to introduce Candidates' fathers into this debate. I am sure that Jim would prefer to keep his parent's names out of the mud and I would think your's would not be too proud of you, either.
I know who you are, do you know what you are have stepped in now?!
Let's leave family members alone folks.
SS, In answer to your question about whether Farmer Jim made any money at "Jim Esch Farms", the answer is yes, almost as much as he loaned his campaign. And, it was your money before he took it. Dig a little deeper and you will find the "pot of gold" that all of the Esch kids have found (they are all "Farmers", you know) compliments of the Government Program know as Ag Subsidies.
You see, the FEC filings aren't the only things I like to look through all day long. Thanks for the link to the Ag Subsidies site! It was very informative.
Article in today's OWH on how much money Jim has earned. The numbers would seem normal if we were talking about a teenager or even possibly a college student, but the fact is Jim Esch is a grown man. It was great his set set up the fund for his kids, but now dad has to teach work ethic. Jim needs to get a job, try and hold on to one for a while, maybe run for some city and/or county boards of local governments or non profits and then in a few years if he has done that he could shoot for something bigger. As it is right now everyone sees in print that he's just livin' off interest and barely working. How can you honestly talk to constituents when you are living in a different world? Lee Terry on the other hand has worked since he was a teenage, worked his way through college, worked his way through law school, PRACTICED LAW, ran for offices, sat on the city council and bam then is a Congressman. I'm not saying he is 100% perfect, but his work ethic speaks for itself. Plus the current schedule he is on as a Congressman--truly amazing.
Does anyone realize that Terry's energy plan on his website STILL states that the Chinese are drilling off our coasts using Cuban firms?
Does he not realize that was proven false WEEKS AGO?
It's hard to take any of his energy policy seriously when he has such blatant lies in there.
Has Jim written himself any new 'loan repayment' checks from the campaign?
He wrote $8k to himself since 4/24.
$$$ for the campaign go right back to Jim's own pocket.
This is a real incentive for people to contribute further to Jim.
How about this for their next letter: "From your wallet to mine."
One out of three ain't bad:
Eschies said Jim would 'beat' Nancy Thompson's July Qtr numbers. (He did raise $14k more for the Qtr.)
Total Raised for cycle...
NT $466k
JE $247K
Cash on hand ...
NT $299
JE $141
I thought Jim had a newser yesterday on an energy 'plan'.
But I don't see any article about it in today's OWH.
The only story they have is about Jim only earning $14k last year and not being able to keep the job at Creighton Prep.
Should we call out the truth squad (i.e. Carter) to see what's going on?
Did Creighton Prep fire Jim last year or ask him to leave?
You know what's funny? Lee Terry had his "newser" on his energy policy, what, a month ago? There was maybe one or two articles about it.....and nothing since.
Mike Johanns submits his energy plan and there's been lots of articles about it and lots of letters to the editor about it.
People care what Johanns has to say, but couldn't care less about Lee's big plan.
I thought Lee was supposed to be Nebraska's energy savior? Shouldn't more people care about his plan since he's been on the energy committee for so long?
I guess everyone realizes it doesn't matter what he says. Nothing's going to be done about it anyway.
I guess it also doesn't help that his energy plan has a proven lie in it....
Anon--you know what's funny? The idea that Esch believes he is qualified to be a U.S. Congressman.
I'll ask again: Did Creighton Prep fire Jim after working there one month?
Tell us the answer, Jim.
So, Ink, tell us how many Chinese are drilling off our coasts?
Anon/Esch troll--read $4 Gasbags," Wall Street Journal, June 12, 2008, page A16.
Quoting: "This has led to the believe-it-or-not situation in which the Chinese are prepping to drill in Cuban waters less than 60 miles off the Florida coast. American companies are banned from drilling in American waters nearby."
(I do not know how many Chinese are there. Maybe we can ask Carter to get us the number--he's pretty good at this economic research stuff.)
BTW--nice story about Jim in today's OWH (Midlands section, A1).
Oh my god, Ink. Are you kidding me???
That WSJ EDITORIAL was printed on June 12th. Dick Cheney had just made that assertion on June 11th.
Later that day, on JUNE 12th!, he acknowledged he was wrong.
You are wrong. But more importantly, Lee Terry is wrong. And that is scary! He's supposed to know this stuff, right???
Oh Ink! How little you know! Creighton prep loves Jim and of course he was not fired! He's been working and traveling plenty for the family business. When you meet him, which I just did, he has a great deal of charisma. He is very down to earth and he knows what he's talking about. It was such a pleasure and if people meet him they will change their mind. Richard Carter and Lee terry are both geeks of the week and belong together. If Terry thinks he can trust Carter he is really mistaken. He is like a snake in the grass!
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