We’re not surprised. Kerrey won't run for Senate - LJS - 10/24/07.
Bob Kerrey won't run for Senate - OWH - 10/24/07.
We always figured that without a guarantee that he could coast into Chuck Hagel’s seat, New Yorker Bob Kerrey would not run for the Senate.
So with Kerrey’s announcement, do the Dems have another shoe to drop?
We don’t think there’s any way that Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey will run.
1) While Fahey would love to be a member of the Senate “club” (his word), there is no way his heart would ever be in for a statewide campaign, where he wouldn’t be guaranteed a win.Does that bring the Dems back to (sigh…) the “Hot
2) Fahey has plenty on his plate right now with the CWS stadium mess.
Unlike Kerrey, or even Fahey, it’s unlikely that Kleeb would have a shot against any of the current GOP crop (hey, including Pat Flynn). So why would Kleeb get in this race if it’s a sure-bet loser? Does he want to be the Dem’s perennial sacrificial lamb? Doubtful.
Steve Achepohl, get Kate Witek on the line!
Maybe the Dems could bring Barry Rubin back. He talked Kate into jumping ship, maybe he could convince Chuck Hagel to reconsider and run for the Senate as a Democrat. Ha!
Here comes Tony Raimondo!
Are those crickets chirping I hear in the Nebraska Dem Headquarters?
Note to NE Dems: If voter registration did a 180 overnight, Jon Bruning would switch parties. Then your side could claim him.
What about Pat Bourne?
Tom White or Steve Lathrop
Here we go...
We will now see a listing of every Democrat who is holding office, held office, thought about holding office or watches The Office.
We will see John Cavanaugh's name come up. We will hear a rumor about Peter Hoagland having dinner with Ben Nelson. And we will get a near confirmation that Doug Bereuter may switch parties.
So have at it commenters! This is why God (assisted by Algore)invented the internets.
Just the thought of it makes me laugh and quiver with anticipation. Imagine how insane (and inane) that campaign would be. It would provide months (and possibly years) of entertainment. One day I could tell my grandkids "cyborg children, I witnessed the greatest spectacle (or debacle) of Political history of the world."
Now that the Johanns v. Bruning primary will likely be the big competition in the race, maybe Johanns will be so kind as to put some content on his website. It's pretty bold to ask for donations without evening listing your positions on the issues!
(Although we can infer the obvious ones.)
i heard jim esch is scheduled to have breakfast with chuck schumer later this week.
I heard that Chuck Schumer seems to have a schedule filled with lunches with Nebraskans and formber Nebraskans.
Danielle Nantkes for Senate!!
If Fahey doesn't get his downtown ballpark from his new "advisory" committee, look for him to get into the Senate race. He will get his clock cleaned but at least it will get Paul Landow out of the Mayor's office before 2013.
Why Sweeper I never knew you were a Dittohead!! Only hard-core listeners refer to the former Vice President, law-school flunkie, and divinity school flunkie as "Algore."
SS...how you make me swoon!!
Hmm. You must be all-knowing, all-seeing, all-feeling, all-compassionate, all-everything....
I have it from a good source that Bo Pelini has been spotted at the Lincoln Airport and had coffee with Tom Osborne...wait, sorry, wrong board.
It's up to Kleeb...and even Lady Jane knows it would be political suicide to run against whoever wins the Republican Primary. If he avoids like the plague running for the Senate seat that no other Nebraska Dem wants...how can he pass and say he wants to represent Nebraskans by waiting to take another losing shot at Smith's seat in the 3rd?
Kleeb's only sane option is to go after Carroll Burling's seat in the Unicameral and show Nebraskan's what he is made of. I don't think he can be that patient. Ever hear of a rock and hard place?
It is so demoralizing to be a Democrat in Nebraska.
Heath M.
Did anyone else notice today that "Earmark Ben" voted for the Dream Act that would have granted amnesty to millions of illegal border jumpers? Last time around he voted against it after much pressure from Nebraskans. Maybe he was trying to act more like a Democrat team player this go around.
Shame on you Ben...and your buddy Harry "The Letter Carrier" Reid...trying to back door us like that. Sorry...I did not mean to offend any of the hard working men and women working for the USPS.
...From NTV Kearney...
Grammatical and spelling errors are NTV's...Quality news programming out here in the wilderness is hard to find.
"If Fahey passes, former Congressional Candidate Scott Kleeb once said he might jumpin the race.
Mr. Kleeb joined us live today. We asked him if he was going to run in this up coming Senate election. Mr. Kleeb says that he would seriously consider run and that it is a honor to be concidered. As of right now there is no plans that he will run or not. He said that last years campaign he learned a lot about Nebraska. He stated that he will be a part of politics for a very long time.
If you would like more information about the interview we had with Mr. Kleeb, watch our featured video attached to this story..."
I don't see no words that is wrong.
Interesting about E. Ben's vote. Watch for the farm bill coming to the Senate floor soon -- it sounds as though the Dems will attach the amnesty provision for illegal ag workers.
This means the big-haired one may cast two pro-illegal immigrant votes in less than a couple of months.
I'm interested to see that there is another "Heath M." in Nebraska.
Yes, Heath M. Mello. There is another Heath M. in Nebraska, and a Democrat at that?!?! What are the odds?
But, be that as it may that this is very random, the law of large numbers still doesn't support us---we can't even afford a credible candidate for a US Senate race. This is why it is so demoralizing.
Heath M.
While Paul Landow is thinking over a senate race, maybe he should remember that while they like to portray Fahey in the false Ben Nelson conservative democrat mode, Mike is going to have a hard time outside of Omaha and Lincoln explaining his pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage and pro-illegals stands. I can already see one really effective campaign ad against Mike...him posing with the leaders of the local gay rights group while presenting them with a letter declaring Gay Pride days in Omaha with the tagline "Mike taking the lead in representing Nebraska family values". PS - to Paul, yes copies of those photos and mayoral proclamations are available.
Oh Good, I hope Fahey runs for Senate....RUN HAL RUN for Mayor!
Hmmm...Hagel cosponsors the Dream Act, Johanns supported it as Ag Secretary and the folks on this blog go after Nelson. Makes sense.
For any regular L St. readers who have come back to this post, please note that a local leftist blog has linked to this story and is attacking L St COMMENTERS.
That's a new one for us.
But you know, while L St. is talking politics, they're talking about L St...
Good Job! :)
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