Lee Terry and Omaha dentist Marty Matz (sent in by a Leavenworth Street reader)

Jim Esch and Hollywood actor, Aaron Eckhart

Election Results Tonight
ABCNews reports that there WILL be exit polls available for Nebraska races, when the polls close at 8 p.m. CST.
And according to the OWH:
The only (official) votes that will be available at 8 p.m. CST will be from voters who submitted early ballots to their local election offices - an estimated 16 percent of the total. And that's probably not going to be a representative sampling of the vote, according to (Secretary of State John) Gale.
Low-population counties in western Nebraska likely will finish their counting and report their totals within two hours of the polls closing (10 p.m. CST), Gale predicted.
But he said it could be 11 p.m. or later before Douglas, Sarpy, Lancaster and other big counties have tallied enough votes to declare winners.
Douglas County's Phipps said his office would release the early voting totals at 8 p.m. CST. He said he would report precinct votes completed thus far at 9 p.m. and at 9:45 p.m., to have some results available for the 10 o'clock television news shows. After that, he plans to report hourly until the count is completed.
"Normally we'd be done by 11 p.m. or 12," he said. "Now we'll be done at 1 a.m. or 2."
Scroll down for our previous posts today and check back to Leavenworth Street throughout Election Day for more updates!
gale needs to figure things out. it's 1:15 a.m. and we've got about 50% of the 2nd District race. WTF?
Well I stayed up to get all the election results, local and national. Must say not surprised really, Dems retake the House, probably the Senate. Dems lose all three districts here in NE, but a much better showing for Esch than most people (street sweeper)anticipated. I guess the Dems are a little fired up and the independents as well. I said from the get-go that your odds on the 2nd district race were to high
we know now that Fortenberry is a bit stronger than most people thought. the biggest spread amongst the House races....nearly getting to 60%. Impressive, intriguing.
My God I love Democracy.
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