The Politico Roundup!
Tom Osborne has now said that he WOULD HAVE vetoed the OPS school district legislation that Dave Heineman signed. (Osborne declares opposition to schools bill – OWH – 4/18/06) Of course, a week out, that’s a little easier to say, now isn’t it? Would have been nice to hear these comments the day the bill was passed in the unicameral, no? Or to hear TO’s comments, or maybe even a POSITION before that time. TO says he wants to be a mediator on the issue, but he forgets that the Governor has to SIGN a bill. Maybe even take LEADERSHIP on the position – not just carry water back and forth. Crazy ideas, huh?
Adrian, Adrian, Adrian. Ol’ Adrian Smith, 3rd Dist. Congressional candidate just keeps it coming. This time, in an OWH interview, he was asked his position on CAFTA (the Central American Free Trade Agreement). (Smith stresses youth, experience – OWH – 4/18/06) While initially telling the reporter he was against it, he later called back to say he was for it. This is a major piece of legislation (remember NAFTA?), and one would think he’d have his position nailed down. Now the only question is, who fed him his position? Lee Terry or the Club for Growth? We’ve been bullish on Adrian’s chances in this race, from our view on Leavenworth Street. Now we’re starting to wonder…
If you haven’t read the candidate positions in the recent LJS interviews (and if anyone can find the link from yesterday, please send it), please dig it up. Then read each interview with the names blocked out, and tell me who said what. Can’t do it, can you? When every candidate sounds the same (and I mean the saaaaaame), how do to get your name out there? What position can you take? Someone HAS to go negative, and soon.
Our favorite race of this primary season? Why, Clerk of the District Court, of course! We’ve got the Prince of Leavenworth Street, Tom Barrett gunning for this $83K/yr peach! (Hey Tommy -- or should we say Mary -- when’s that website actually going active?) We’ve got Trish “Return to Sender” Lanphier. (Same on the website to you Trish. Uh, that election is just around the corner…) And then we have some chick named Barbara Carpenter who’s worked in the office for like 25 years, has worked at every level and understands what’s going on with upgrades to the systems (yet has, hmmm, an “interesting “ do. Think “weeping willow”…). Anywho, I’m sure she won’t win. (But Barb, uh, how about fleshing out that resume just a touch, so we can actually see what you’ve done in that 25 years at the Clerk’s office.)
And finally, for those of you scoring at home:
Dan Welch vs. Ernie Chambers
Round 1: Welch
Round 2: Chambers (by a mile)
Round 3? (And Frank Brown guarantees there will be a Round 3…)
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