A few months back taxpayers were up in arms because Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (R) got funds for a bridge in Ketchikan, Alaska that went “no where” (Wash. Post 10/21/05). But as near as I can tell, it could handle cars. And there was an airport nearby. So while probably not the best idea, it could actually be useful to some people. Well it got shot down.
Now comes the Omaha-Council Bluffs pedestrian bridge. Saint Bob Kerrey got the money for it. Earl B. Nelson is now defending it. There have been arguments about what to name it. And there has been a realization that it really can’t be the giant behemoth to be a symbol of the city, as was originally hoped.
Just one question: What in the world is this thing for? Now I would like this thing as much as the next riverfront developer. But let’s be honest: NO ONE WILL USE THIS! It goes over to Council Bluffs! Are there hordes of people standing on the banks of the Mighty Mo taking rafts across now, that I’m not aware of? Oh but the bikers! The bikers! What of the bikers! Catch me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we already built them (or are building?) a trail from the airport to Bellevue. So what, now the bikers have their own personal bridge to the riverboats? Gaaaaahhhh!
Senate candidates Pete Ricketts and Dave Kramer have denounced it (Senate candidates bash bridge project – OWH 02/03/06). They’ve also denounced the parking garage at Creighton and the parking lot at Joslyn. I’ll grant you that if those projects were in another state, we’d be screaming about the waste of our tax dollars. But at least those are defensible! They have a purpose! But you wanna talk about a bridge to no where…
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