We noted that oftentimes the WhoIs domain info is hidden using a proxy service. This isn’t uncommon when registering domains, but the Suttle camp hadn’t done this.
And, as a matter of fact, the site info had been updated in August of 2010.
Well whaddaya know, but as of yesterday, JimSuttle.com’s domain registration on WhoIs is now by proxy with all of that information hidden.
Is someone suddenly trying to hide something?
Lucky for Leavenworth Street that we took screenshots of that info (for just such a situation), so it is NOT hidden for you, reader!
Here it is (we blocked OmahaMatt’s full email address):
Now, you can see that under the “Administrative Contact” info, it lists “Suttle, Jim”, but OmahaMatt’s email address.
But, let’s look at another website WhoIs domain registration, where OmahaMatt turns up. Here is the WhoIs for Clear Communication Partners, the group Suttle used for his Mayoral campaign, run by Gary DiSilvestro and Matt Samp:
You can see there that the “Administrative Contact” is “Samp, M”, whose email address is, of course, “OmahaMatt@...”.
So after that fun little game of hide the domain info, the question is, Who is running Jim Suttle’s campaign against the recall?
Is Matt Samp on the team?
Because here is the deal: Jim Suttle himself said that Samp shouldn’t be involved in Omaha politics:
"It doesn't make any difference whether it's perception or reality -- treat them the same," says Suttle. "It's time to part company and I did."Or did he?
Look, voters can decide if Samp should be allowed to be involved in Omaha politics, or whatever else.
But, it was the Mayor of Omaha who said Samp WILL NOT be involved.
So the question remains: Is Jim Suttle continuing to pay Matt Samp or isn’t he?
We will sit here quietly and wait for the response.
(Click here to see back Leavenworth Street posts regarding Suttle and Samp.)
Suttle needs Samp, he's the only one that knows how to get away with anything-goodness knows that Suttle is too stupid to know how to properly hide the breadcrumbs.
Not my intention to leave the full email address up.
Holy crap.
Way to go soon-to-be ex-Mayor Moron! This should be the final nail in the Jim Suttle political career coffin when (if?) it gets some decent coverage from local media. I hope the recall committee are monitoring Leavenworth Street to capitalize upon this nugget of Suttle kryptonite.
88 websites with OmahaMatt@.... as their registered contact including Incumbentmanagement dot com, which is not a live site as of a few minutes ago.
"If it gets some decent coverage from local media..."
Don't hold your breath.
Who was the paid photographer at Dundee Days taking pictures of Suttle and his Bitchin T-Bird? Was it Gary DiSilvestro? Hmmm Do Suttle's donors really want to pay Gary and Ace with their dollars?
If I was a member of the press I would demand he open his books up.
NADC filing reports are out. Looks like Conrad outraised numbnuts Chad Wright 4 to 1. Are the Republicans going to win any races in Lancaster county at all?
Oh yeah, things are much rosier next spring, where the Rs have no Lincoln Mayorial candidate and will still be unable to regain control of the city council.
All Bruning's campaign adds are about federal issues, how can he not know federal election law?
Anon 10:48,
If you are referring to the most recent filing, on 10/4 you should clarify. While Contrad, a incumbent, has a sizable lead in funds raised, in this period she was spanked by Mr. Wright.
Conrad, snowplow to those who know her, raided a whopping $1300. (as reported)
Wright raised $5000.
Your comment referenced the filing so you are not spot on with that one.
It's a good thing that Mayor Toboggan likes the color red, because I am sure his face was red and about to blow when he learned about these facts coming out. What a bunch of sloppy thugs he's got working for him (dare I say) under cover(s). Visions of Keystone Cops keep running through my head. Gary and Matt need to go to work for Rahm Emanuel's mayoral campaign as apprentices to learn how to be real operatives.
Sad thing is the local press corps doesn't have any REAL investigative reports...isn't that right Ryan.
Conrad's report says
Net Cash Received this period $4743.90
I guess people don't fork over money to radical dinosaur deniers.
Chad Wright is done, he hasn't raised the money, my comment above about 'dinosaur denier' is directed at him.
wondering if this email address is listed on the governor's website:
Or this on lee terry's: hotblondelobbyist@...
Or for Mike Johanns: USDAtravelsecretary@...
... or for Ben Nelson:
I see Snowplow Conrad has gotten $800 from the Associated Beverage Distributors of Nebraska and $800 from the Nebraska Beverage PAC.
They know how to reward a loyal customer! What do you think? 10% of the amount Danielle has given them over the years?
At least this time she may avoid a fine for taking too much money from special interests.
You're assuming of course that Matt Samp ever left the position of advising Suttle? It was a stupid campaign that got him elected and for the past year Suttle has been nothing but a PR nightmare.
Why or why would a man stay so loyal to those who give him the same old stuff that doesn't work and led to trouble....unless? There was another reason to remain loyal. Ponder that one deeply guys.
It is possible that his records are just outdated. The mayor is a busy man, and the guy that would have been in charge of keeping this type of thing up to date (i.e. Matt Samp) was fired. Either way, who really cares the Technical Contact info for the website of a soon to be recalled Midwestern mayor?
Yawn: you can't be serious. Jim Suttle is using an email address for one OmahaMatt that used to have one Matt Samp, who lived(s?) in Omaha as the responsible party. I know that my friends and I often trade email accounts just to keep things fresh (not really) because it's so difficult to come up with new email accounts. The complexity is mind-boggling, really, while trading passwords is so easy... and smart.
Matt Samp is still working for Jim Suttle. Excellent work, Sweeper.
Poor Tom White, is he really that concerned that his priest won't believe him if he says he is prolife?
I would have to say that Tom doesn't know the first thing about being a Catholic if he thinks the priest is going to question his faith.
Yea or Nay, that's all they give you in the House of Representatives. If you really want some say over the laws of the land, then you should run for President. I could just see Tom White punching President Obama in a debate or chest thumping Hillary Clinton when she calls him out for the liar that he is.
But, back to the point. Tom White made a choice about a year ago to hitch his wagon to the worst of the versions of Healthcare Reform. At no time did he ever say that he would support the Bill IF they took abortion on demand out of it.
Live with yourself Tom White, just know that come November 3rd, none of us with have to live with your bad decisions and even worse behavior.
As much as it would be nice to not have to think about Tom White after the Nov 2nd elections I doubt that will be the case.
He will lurk around for either a mayoral run or such.
Not to mention how he will pout and behave poorly for quite a long time. It isn't like him to not throw a tantrum and look for someone else to blame. It is his M.O., which is obvious considering his past bullying.
No, Nebraska will deal with him for a long, painful time.
Hey Tom, Speaking of Catholic tenants I remember there being a part in the bible about "Thou shall not punch they neighbor"...lol
Oh give it up already with White's alleged punching and tantrum issues.
Lee cursed in a crosswalk and sits at the kiddy table when finished. But? What has he done for me lately? Like in the last 12years?
Even he doesn't tell us.
Why should anyone give up on the FACT that Tom White can't keep his hands to himself. Maybe that's why daddy put him into boxing when he was a kid?
Oh, and by the way, it's a far stretch to compare cursing at a cabby while standing in a crosswalk that the cab is driving in, is a far stretch from punching someone in the face after a few cocktails and getting admonished for your behavior during a court proceeding by the Judge. I wonder if that was the same case when he shoved the lawyer that he thought was working against him?
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