Remember a year ago?
Remember the 2008 election cycle?
Remember Democrats?
The Dems were gathering en masse at 80 or 90 Obama HQs around town.
They were registering to vote Democrat.
They were giving Senator Obama their Electoral Vote.
They were gonna CHANGE things for Dems in Nebraska!
And about a year later?
Hmm let's see...
- No candidate for Governor.
- No candidate for Treasurer.
- No candidate for Secretary of State.
- No candidate for Attorney General.
- No candidate for 1st Congressional District.
- Jim Esch quits the Democrats.
- Bored, come-home Yalie for 3rd District.
- Douglas County Treasurer Ewing not interested in State Treasurer gig.
- Scott Kleeb not interested in running for any of the open gigs.
- Jim Esch supporting a guy running in Hawaii and a New Yorker who has never lived in the district running for Congress in western Iowa.
- Every single egg in the Tom White basket.
- Esch supporting Tom White?
But, geez. What happened?
The Dems are hardly stocking the cupboard either. Sure someone can come out of nowhere, but it's those lower offices that they're supposed to come from.
Right now we see, maybe, Pete Festersen, Heath Mello and maybe Steve Lathrop as the Dems' hopes. But not in 2010.
Just a bad year? Too early?
What is it Dems? If not now when? (etc., etc., etc.)
Just a bad year? Too early?
What is it Dems? If not now when? (etc., etc., etc.)
AG Bruning has made some boneheaded comments in the last year i.e. "I'm disgusted and I'm saddened, and I hate it that he's here in Nebraska and I hate it that he's in America," Bruning said. "I mean, this guy is one sick individual." (about LeRoy Carhart) Bruning is beatable!
Bruning is not beatable. If he was the dems would be running someone against him, the gov etc...
They can't even find someone to run in LD8??? (Whites old District)
Its politics 101 folks. Tom White is no Obama and will not carry downticket races, especially when you have no one running in them!!!
It's like Will Rodgers said, "I don't belong to an organized party, I'm a democrat." Hard financial times make most people take a hard look at what's going on around them. When they look and see Dems proposing nothing but bigger government, more spending, more debt and higher taxes, the Dems message of "social justice" falls flat.
Obama changed things just for Obama here in Nebraska. If the Dems can't even get candidates, then by definition they will lose. What remains to be seen is how many yellow dog Democrats we have here. There may be an awful lot that, combined with Republican apathy, will lead to Dems doing quite well in 2010. I mean, Omaha elected Suttle, a guy who refused to lay out any plans for Omaha other than, "Wait and see." I'm beginning to think, though, that the zeal for Obama has turned into everyone waiting on Obama to do all the work for them. "I voted for Obama, now he's going to take care of me."
Just want to add one more to the list of developments--Richard Carter officially switching to the Republican party!
Wow...No candidates...when has thia last happened? Will John Gale be assigning the Dem Party to "no recognition" status like the other insignificant parties in Nebraska?
Might be a good year for write-ins. I always believed in the "two heads are better than one" theory...and Lenny and Squiggy could both run as co-write-ins for Governor. This being said because our current "Cheerleader-In-Chief" is speaking out of both sides of his mouth in regard to solving our current budget dilemma with additional new taxes/fees. This way with Lenny and Squiggy one could be for...and one could be against...and there would be less confusion for Nebraskans.
I predict we will see a rise in gasoline taxes as part of the solution. The feelers are already out. That's great...then just those that drive to...or who are out looking for work can carry the load getting us through these austere times.
John Hilgert for Governor
Kim Robak for Congress
Tom White for Congress
don Welsey, Doug Beutler, Scott Kleeb,
John Hilgert would make a great candidate for Governor for the Democrats!!
They don't even have anyone for district 8???
Wow they really are falling apart...
Anyone else notice how anti-liquor Jerram is now?...kindof funny if he did't drone on and on
The sad thing about anony 11:50 is that you don't realize that everything Jon said about Kill'em young Carhart, is true.
Anonymous 2:08--then let's see them throw their hats in the ring. Time for some action, Dems...
I just got an invite in the mail today for a White fundraiser at the Field Club, and Jim Esch is listed as a co-sponsor. WOW!!!!
What the heck would raising gas taxes accomplish? Those dollars have to go to roads. If Obama would just spend slightly more than the 14% of the Stimulus that he has spent, we would all be in great shape.
Can we get a refund for the other 86%?
Kleeb's decision not to run for one of the "lesser" offices just illustrates how his runs for Congressman, followed inexplicably by his run for Senate were just vanity campaigns. He really has no desire to actually do the hard job of governing, but instead, like Obama, just wanted to play an elected official on TV. Was West Wing really that powerful of a TV show?
Former South Omaha Democrat State Senator
Current Veterans Deprtmt Head under Republican Governor(s)
Pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-working people, let's hear it for...
"JOHN HILGERT" Democrat for Governor in Nebraska
The Democrats will finally have a respectable candidate!!!
I would agree with you 100% except that your thesis is dead wrong. There was no democratic enthusiasm at the state level a year ago, just in C2, which is still very competitive for the dems next year.
Anon 5:49--then get John H. to announce (and pay the filing fee).
Show us something, Dems.
The Kleeb's are waiting for the groundswell to kick in for his business when Cap and Trade goes through.
Oh, is that the one where he covers your house with a gigantic condom then blows hot air up your ---?
Dave Heineman's Dept of Corrections - hiring INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS.
Van Argaykis has apparently approached Dem leaders about a possible AG run for what its worth. I rather doubt they'll want him to run but you never know.
Is the City of Omaha balanced its budget yet?
Get the police and fire union contract under control. Omaha still hasn't balanced its budget yet!
While Mark Fahleson is out holding press conferences that no one attends, Dave Heineman is covering up the fact that his administration hired an illegal immigrant and international criminal.
What a commentary on the NEGOP.
Joe Jordan is practically endorsing the idea of a Recall of Jim Suttle tonight on Frank Brown's cable show.
Lee Terry is not an important member of Congress. I think Nebraska deserves someone who can be a significant player.
Nebraskans do not accept it when its football team is irrelevant, why do we settle for officials like Lee "I sit at the Kiddie Table" Terry?
Hey, Anony 5:49.
The Honorable John Hilgert, Nebraska V.A. Director, is a registered Republican. Type in his name on the Secretary of State's voter check website and enter "Douglas County" and see for yourself.
A hot head like Tom White will get no where in Congress. No one will want to work with someone that resorts to physical contact when challenged.
Tom, keep that chest poking finger to yourself-forever!
10:05--you need to get The Hill newspaper. They conducted a survey of Members of Congress to find which were experts on different areas. Terry was voted by his colleagues as one of the top people on telecommunications policy and law.
Another reason the Doyle/Terry bill passed committee and is now moving to the House floor on expanding the choices for consumers in FM stations.
One year later . . .
In VA, the Republican for Gov has a 59-40 lead over the Dem.
This in a state won by Obama last year.
NJ is still close--lead shifts back and forth but is in the MOE.
Anon 8:35--if this is a big deal, then get off your a** and get a Dem candidate for Gov.
You all look foolish and incompetent.
Much as is true of him in Lincoln, or in the legal community, or pretty much anywhere else where he is known well, Tom White would not be well-liked or welcomed in DC.
I think Heath Mello needs to mello out a bit. By the time they finish the investigation on the guy the State Corrections hired and then arrested yesterday, this immigrant with legal status may end up being a hero.
Sounds like he may have made mistake in his youth, but has tried to make up for them by assisting law enforcement whenever possible.
I guess we will see where the chips fall on this one.
Sweeper, could you put a link in your post on The Hill story? I love to read about my Congressman working hard to get along with his coworkers AND being an expert in the field.
Bipartisanship, isn't that what America has been voting for since the mid 90's? Isn't that why we have such close Majorities in both Chambers?
Way to go Congressman Terry, you represent the Heartland proud!
Scott Hazelrigg is a really good Democrat candidate.
keep your eyes on the special session. You will see grand speeches and showmanship to no end. Then after all the fits and crying by White, Mello, and Nordquist and the Lib Gang, you will see White vote the most down the middle of the road vote possible. He will abandon his radical union lib base and try to appease the middle of the roaders. Whats funny is his "base" will be saying thats okay we know you will be there for us if you get in. Maybe that is why they are having such a tough time gettting candidates, they pander to anybody who will spout their drivel. Then the old bait and switch is on. Oh well if you bed with scum you have to figure you might get some on ya. Pretty soon you dont even notice your covered in it.
except he is a republican too.
you dems need to work on not losing your candidates to the 3rd party.
feel free to continue to promote the highly elected republicans that we have.
You'd think Pierce would have waited to announce until he at least had his own website running... Pierce for Nebraska dot com is currently parked at GoDaddy. The link in the email takes you to a web form at a company called WuFoo.
Thats pretty sloppy... with all the young kids in the Democratic party that can whip up a halfway decent website in a weekend, you'd think he'd have his site up before he starts telling people rather than give out an email address at a parked domain.
This is sloppy... even for him. Pierce isn't a political novice... this just makes me think even more that this is a sacrificial lamb campaign, not a real one. After that drunken outburst at the Obama election party, maybe this is his way of getting back into their good graces?
Has anyone, besides some of the incumbents, announced running for any state senate seats at all, in either party? When do candidates usually get their campaigns started for those spots?
Hazelrigg?? He can't be a Republican. He's pro-choice, pro gay rights, raised taxes for education, and has his pockets lined by Susie Buffett. Check your facts - - he HAS to be a Democrat!
Heath Mello and Catherine Leo will be the future of the local Democratic Party
Republican, well liked, and supports not only Republican candidates, but the best candidates for the job. Unfortunately for the GOP, sometimes that candidate is a Dem. Oh well, it just lends more credibility to the support he offers.
He supports Congressman Terry.
"Heath Mello and Catherine Leo will be the future of the local Democratic Party"
For the Democrats' sake, I hope so. They're some of the nicest people I've met in politics. Level headed, smart, mainstream in their views... a rarity.
I'd have to say the same for Jeremy Nordquist. And while I'm on the subject... I had the opportunity to interact a bit with Senator Ashford at the Judicial Committee hearings last Friday in Omaha. I came away very impressed. Would love to see someone with that kind of attitude moving up the food chain on the republican side of things.
i think Solomon must be schizophrenic. Or, the epitome of a third party, which is a party that will never get anything done.
Look at Congress. Closely bipartisan in numbers. A handful of Centrists (or I just play one in Congress or in my District). This is exactly why nothing gets finalized.
Look what happened to Reid yesterday. His base pushed him hard left and his votes went hard right.
I hope the same thing happens to Pelosi. For the sake of America, I hope she screws her base. For the sake of Congress and Bipartisanship, I hope they throw her out of her seat. For the sake of my wallet, I hope Crap and Tax dies a sad death in the halls of our nation's Capitol.
At least we all still have Hope, it is the Change that we are all be afraid of.
I'm In.
Over ur head you fool.
"i think Solomon must be schizophrenic. Or, the epitome of a third party, which is a party that will never get anything done."
I'm a fairly centrist/moderate (on most issues) independent... I could care less what letter someone has after their name, and can even respect someone who thinks differently than I do if they seem honest (Russ Feingold and Tom Coburn come to mind).
I think we'd all be better off if each party split into two and another one formed in the middle... I think it would better represent the public, but we live in a two party country. Thats reality... I don't fit into either.
People like me aren't a party, but moderates in office are often the deciding votes. We all have our part to play in a representative democracy.
Well put, but if we split into 3 then even less will ever get done.
Maybe, that would be best, except no one should want our country to get stuck in neutral for too long.
Mello, never saw a tax he didn't like. Watch in the special session. Nordquist is a Rahm Emmanuel (sp) clone wanna be. Kind of comforting to hear the D's are hanging their hat on them. Will keep things safe for a while.
If Mello or Nordqist have ideas on spending cuts, then they should be working on them now and put 'em on the table. Not enough just to whine from the sidelines about the Gov.
The Governor is the CEO of Nebraska. What are we paying him for is he is afraid to lead??
If that is the case, and the Gov isn't leading, then why can't you D's find a candidate against him?
Come on it ... the water's fine.
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