While we're getting caught up in the 2nd District race we shouldn't forget about the fund raising in Nebraska's other two Congressional districts.
In the 3rd District, Congressman Adrian Smith has so far raised $317,000 for the 2010 campaign, has $379,000 cash on hand, and raised $128,000 this quarter.
His Democrat challenger, Rebekah Davis, has raised $7,000 total, has $5,800 cash on hand and raised $5,400 for the quarter.
(No word on how she compares herself, a'la Tom White, with other 21st CENTURY challengers...)
Then in the 1st District, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry raised $64,600 for the quarter, $212,500 total for the 2010 campaign and has $541,000 cash on hand.
And get this! Fortenberry's Democrat challenger has raised zilch! Nada! Nuthin! Can you believe it, I mean (hold on)...(What? I can't hear you...Huh?....Oh...)
Um, Fortenberry would seem to be in the cat bird's seat.
I hear Davis is letting the Kleebs tell her how to run a campaign. She's already lost against one of the weakest members of Congress out there.
I'm guessin Miss Davis spent most of that 1,200 dollars on that emo phot shoot...
If the Kleebs are behind her, then Barry Rubin can't be far behind.
No, she spent most of it at a car repair shop in Iowa City. Weird, huh.
Who is Bob Larson?
Interesting reading at Joe Jordan's Watchdog.
He said, "Forget the governor's job. Nebraska Democrats can't even find someone to run for Treasurer."
That was about John Ewing taking a pass at a race.
Has anyone ever seen such a disorganized and ineffective candidate recruitment effort by the NDP?
Does Ms. Davis support the Obama economic program and the stimulus bill?
Ms. Davis--please tell us here in a post!
Forget about this race being a slam dunk. Is Smith the best Republican for the job? He was at best a mediocore state senator. That and the owner operator of a U-store-it in Gering. A primary challenger, please!
First, do any of you anonymous posters who are criticizing Smith actually live in the 3rd or do you just like taking pot shots at him?
Second, if you do live here (which I doubt) have you ever written, called or otherwise tried to get service from or access to the Congressman?
As one who contacts my Congressman and Senators on a regular basis, I haven't found one who is better at responding, is more willing to help, or is more approachable when back in the district as Congressman Smith.
So, if you have a few bucks and want to hop into a primary with Smith knock yourself out. I'm sure the Kleebs will rent you a room for a few months.
I am hearing rumors that Van Argykis is running for AG against Bruning on the D side or is at least considering it.
So Adrian Smith has people telling you what you want to hear, which then distracts you from the fact he hasn't actually done anything, and went 2 years without introducing one major bill. No other member of Congress dared do that. He's a placeholder.
Good luck going against a very well liked AG like Bruning. He is respected at a National level by his fellow AG's, has his campaign and financing well in place, and has done nothing wrong to deserve to be unseated.
Come along a South O D that no one knows and can't even begin to spell his name?
Don't think so, but good luck with that one.
Anon 11:22...
I always wonder if Anon is a book in the Bible.
Adrian Smith does one thing that many of our Nebraska politicians don't...he listens and responds to the wishes of the majority of his constituents. He frequently has telephone town halls and opens the line of communications to understand where the wee folks stand. I have been on line with a few of those town halls that have numbered over 7000. He takes criticism just as well as he take praise. He runs polls during his call-ins and votes the will of the majority. He also responds a lot faster than our friends Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns.
What more do you want from a representative?
Anon (verse 09:00),
AG Bruning certainly has his "financing" well in place, and Nebraska's taxpayers are the ones that pay for it. I can't believe how many of his mailers, radio spots and television "public service" pieces feature Attorney General JON BRUNING. They all have the look, feel and smell of campaign propaganda.
I'll give Rep. Smith his due. He has done everything that a political beast should to get and keep a job (with the possible exception of actually legislating). He worked his way up from the bench, and he does stay in touch with his constituency. My party could learn from him how its done.
Another thing we Democrats need to do is learn how to "dumb down" our message. If we could communicate the things we stand for in mere sound bites designed for gut reactions, like those spewed by Faux Noise and Flush Limpball, maybe we could better engage the masses.
Grab a mop!
Vote for Cody Green!
Cody has my vote. Zac throws worse than Scott Frost...if that's possible. I love Pelini's post game interviews...he is a working man's coach.
Bo will start tomorrow with 10 Hail Mary's then back to the drawing board. Hate to sound like a hindcaster but TT has a much better offensive team...I saw this one coming well before the bus left Lubbock.
I'm with you on Cody Green. I think Lee clearly isn't getting better, so at least we should switch them in and out, or just throw Green in there so he gets some experience and hopefully gets his feet under him by next year. Our D can only carry us so far.
Looks like Sarpy County's Election Commissioner is retiring at the end of her term this year. Any thoughts on who the Governor should appoint? I've been hearing one name in particular but wanted to put it to the group.
Rita Sanders or Richard Carter would be awesome!
all you football posters need to stick to politics.
this is not a zac lee problem, it's a shawn watson problem. what a horribly called game.
Oh well, if you can't beat 'em ... join 'em.
Congratulations to the Blair Bears Girls Softball team. Too bad they couldn't have played in Omaha where they could have had an audience, and a fun time, instead of having their state tournament play in no man's land.
Blair is just another pipsqueak town in Nebraska. If they didn't have car dealerships the college would be their only draw and then they would just be another Hastings.
Look at it this way...it was a tuneup for the Girls State Volleyball Championships coming to Grand Island. I hear rumors that the Omaha Schools were going to "secede" from the NSAA and have their own local championship volleyball in Omaha.
The Bears trip out here to Hicksville is just a dry run to prove to easterners there is a Nebraska outside of Lincoln and Omaha.,..and that while buffalo stampedes may still occur on Ted's Ranch...and thre might be an occasional 'Indigent Tribesman" raid at Whiteclay...it is safe to travel west of Highway 81 where people actually live (maybe not well...but they live.)
Much to my chagrin I wish people in the east knew less about the west. I'm afraid they might move here.
Granted about Blair. But the NSAA State Softball Tournament used to be held in Omaha. If you were a young woman that made it to the State Tournament, where would you rather go to play, someplace exciting like the Big O, or a town whose only shopping mall has 2/3 of the storefronts shuttered?
My brother sent me a photo of the "crowd" in the stands at the Hastings event from a Class A game and let's just say the empty seats spoke louder than words. When the tournament was held in Omaha, there would have been hundreds of people there. That has to be kind of depressing for those kids that made it all that way.
They play the State Football Championships in Husker stadium. Imagine the thrill for a high school kid from Podunque to play on that hallowed ground!
I know, I know, as a resident of the 3rd CD, and one of its more vocal proponents, I should be doing all I can to promote more activities in my district. But look at from the standpoint of the kids. Shouldn't going to the state tournament be something "special?"
Volleyball should be at the UNL Collesuem or Creighton's new digs.
Let's not bash Blair. It's a great city with decent, hard-working people and forward-looking city leaders. It's economic bright spot in our state.
Being compared to Hastings is bad? I am sure there are hard working decent people in Blair...just like the rest of the state outside of Omaha and Lincoln.
GI just dropped over a million for new artificial turf at Senior High. Why not have the football championships in GI? Center of the state...football fans galore...one or two decent restaurants??? Top that Blair.
Ummmmmm. OK. Let me explain.
Blair won the Class B State High School Girls Fastpitch Softball Championship, skunking all comers, at the NSAA State Tournament in HASTINGS. They did not play the tournament in Blair; they never have. They used to play it in OMAHA, and my point is, they should take it back to Omaha.
Democrats have already dumbed down their message. In effect, that message is, individual freedom should never get in the way of goverment giving individuals freedom.
The message is clear. People who believe it are dumb.
anon 2:47
Well said ... the libs just don't understand. We GET what they're selling - we just don't WANT it - we're not buying.
These guys crack me up ... they continue to believe if they can only disguise their message well enough ... if they can only dress it up smartly enough, someone will have a bite. A sh*t sandwich will always be a sh*t sandwich ... no matter how much balsamic vinegar, avocado and alfalfa sprouts you pile on it.
Put simply - its not your salesmanship, libs - it's your PRODUCT - no one out here wants it.
Can I have mine on toast? The way they have been serving it out since January puts any fast-food joint to shame.
They can't dazzle us with B.S. so they fork it out so quickly and from all directions. Even high tech manure spreaders can't shovel it out that fast. And it's coming from both sides. America needs to take a breath of fresh air and start from scratch. What's the rush???...we're already broke.
You guys have hurt me ... deeply. I guess I'll just have to do like Glenn Beck - smear some Vicks VapoRub under my eyes and have a good cry. Talk about feeding you folks a s*** sandwich! What most of the right wing pundits are serving is nothing but smoke and mirrors, but go ahead with your believing that is something real. You've gotta have something to cling to.
I said "both sides"...I am an equal opportunity sandwich eater...not totally blind.
See you in the appliance department at Sears...that's after I stop by Target to return the politically incorrect Halloween costume I bought last week...and to think...there is a remake of the old series "V" making a comeback on the boob tube. Roy Thinnes where are you when we need you?
Yeah, you did mention that it is coming from both sides - and you have a point there.
What's going on at Sears? Did you buy that "illegal alien" costume? Aren't you thinking about Marc Singer? Roy Thinnes was on "The Invaders."
Maybe the Democrats should ask former St Senator John Hilgert to run for Governor. He would be a good candidate!
It's been said that "Invaders" and Thinnes set the stage for "V" and other "illegal alien" television series. The Invaders were known for their crooked "V" shaped finger alignment...pre-Spock. Can't remember if "My Favorite Martian" came before "Invaders."
You haven't heard about Obama's "Kash of Kelvinators" Program???...coming to an appliance store near you soon. Might want to invest a few bucks in GE for the short term.
AG Bruning has made some boneheaded comments in the last year i.e. "I'm disgusted and I'm saddened, and I hate it that he's here in Nebraska and I hate it that he's in America," Bruning said. "I mean, this guy is one sick individual." (about LeRoy Carhart) Bruning is beatable!
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