Friday, October 23, 2009

Lighten up...

A few parting shots on your Friday...

Did you know that we Twitter (Tweet? ), here on Leavenworth Street?

Well, for those of you interested, you can "Follow" us at

For those who don't or won't or can't or whatever, you can still read other people's Twittererers, by just following the link -- i.e. you don't have to actually sign up in order to read.

All that being said, we mainly just note when we have an update on the blog. (Though, in theory, that could change...)


In any case, an interesting Twitterererer that we read:

Mayor Suttle.

No, not Jim Suttle. Don't be confused.

If you want stuff like "Attending the opening of Nebraska's first Wind Power Training Facility", go to Jim Suttle's Tweets.

If you want stuff like:
  • New tax idea: A penguin tax. The zoo has a bunch of 'em, and everyone loves 'em! Goodbye deficit!
  • Can't believe it cost 7 bucks to park the Doo-Rango at the Qwest! But Miley and Hannah were worth it. Two inspiring young women.
  • I hope the dad of the quintuplets born in Omaha is named Clive. Then they could have a reality show called "Mom and Clive plus Five"
...go to the "Mayor Suttle" tweets. The guy updates all day long.

We chuckle, anyway. (And the background is good too...)


Senator Mike Johanns will be giving the weekly Republican Address on Saturday.

(Pssst! It's 310 First St.,SE Washington, DC, across from the Capitol South metro! har har har...)


OK, so after the City Council changes the NoDo streets to Fahey Way and Daub Place, what if the two of them, Mike and Hal, go on a Thelma and Louise style cross-country crime-spree?

Just change the street names back?
Wait until Google Maps catches up?
See what the NCAA thinks?

We're not saying the two of them have already picked out a convertible and planned their route.
Just askin'...

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