In another of the Unicameral flies, the Nebraska GOP is not wasting any time going after state Senator Steve Lathrop.
You may remember that for a while Lathrop was considered to be the leading Democratic candidate to take on Governor Dave Heineman. Instead Lathrop decided to simply run for re-election in 2010.
Well, the NEGOP isn't going to take that lying down.
Per a post by the Objective Conservative blog, we were notified that they have been dropping door-hangers around Lathrop's southern Douglas County 12th district.
On the right is how it looks (it's Halloween themed on orange paper, so we've done our best to color it...) -- click to enbiggen.
The NEGOP also has a "report card" they are distributing detailing more of Lathrop's votes.
As the Objective Conservative noted, all this would indicate that the Nebraska Republicans have a candidate to take on Lathrop. Who is that candidate?
Don't know...yet.
But seeing as Lathrop was considered to be major enough to run statewide, the GOP has slapped a political target on his back.
This is what happens when they don't have to bother with, say, a Democrat running for Governor...
It's this kind of negative garbage that degrades the entire elective process and insults voters. Does the GOP ever learn that if it has something to sell then sell it instead of doing the reverse? Oh yeh, the diehards will carp and be disgusted about Lathrop, but those in the middle and independents will be turned off. Period. What kind of tired and old sick minds run the GOP not to tout their own merits and message in a positive light instead of the attack mode of politics as usual and over?
Thanks Sweeper for letting us know.
The best part is, Steve Lathrop has shown himself to be the most responsible, effective and productive member of the Legislative class of 2006. His work on BSDC alone merits reelection.
Doesn't the GOP remember how the negative campaigning hurt them when Lathrop was elected? Everybody knows that Lathrop is their number one target and that the governor wants him gone. That's because he gets things done. Lathrop has done a lot of good things and we need someone like him in Lincoln.
I agree! He certainly doesnt deserve an F.
Fahleson really stepped in it this time - attacking Lathrop for working to clean up the Gov's mess while the Gov was hiring an international criminal (and illegal) to guard the prisons.
You guys are laughable.
These drop ads plant a seed in the voters mind a year out. You may not LIKE the comparative ads against your guy. But if you think they don't work you're in for another losing year.
Whatever, Fahleson. Keep trying to make your latest tactical blunder look brilliant. I'm sure you're job is safe...Heineman probably doesn't want you out...yet...
What's negative about it? It's Lathrop's voting record. Have we become so soft that one cannot talk about an elected representative's voting record (or failure to pay sales taxes, in the case of Sen. Rogert, for that matter)?
Landslide Lathrop won by a whopping 15 votes in a heavy Republican district. He succeeded by misleading voters and telling them he was a Republican and a conservative. His voting record proves otherwise.
Face it: Lathrop's been living on borrowed time for the past 4 years.
thats not true WJ. he never told anyone he was a republican.
He may have never uttered the phrase "I'm a Republican" but he strongly implied that he was and NEVER claimed to be a Democrat.
Every thing he said/did gave the impression he was the only Republican in the race. He knew he couldn't win as a Dem. He does have something now that he didn't before: a record. He can't run from that.
If Steve is the only success story from the class of '06, that must be why Tom White decided to run for Congress.
Tom White couldn't get anything done in the State Legislature and now he wants the voters of the 2nd District to send him to Washington to be a yes man to Nancy Pelosi?
Why the Hell would we ever do that?!
People thought Lathrop was the only Republican because his so-called Republican opponent had a record of raising taxes and supported public funding of abortion.
6:36 am: You are an idiot!!! Quit the false smears and tell your Ambulance chasing boss he's fooling nobody.
lrts talk about how awesome Heineman is. 330 million in debt? nice work dave
The NE GOP's so called negative campaigning against Lathrop did nothing but help in 2006. Stothert was dead in the water until the GOP stepped in.
Lathrop has shown himself to be a typical dem, he will tell the voters whatever they need to hear to get elected and then vote the complete oppiste way.
Lathrop has demonstrated himself to be a hardworking legislator who constantly works for compromise. Maybe the reason he rarely mentioned his party affiliation in 2006 is that he was seeking a nonpartisan office.
I'm not so naive to think that party affiliation has nothing to do with what happens in Lincoln, but in the old days, it really was more about working for common interests, not partisan goals. I think that much of the blame for the rise in partisanship lays with the NEGOP, if for no other reason that the Dems are moribund to the point of irrelevance.
Does anyone know which 11 year old created that mail piece?
The things kids can do these days with MS Paint.
thank goodness you moved to chi-town,
You are out of your #@%^&*! mind.
Paul M.
Note that the original L. St. got was black and white.
We colored this orange -- so any white you see on it is b/c of the shortcomings of MY MSPaint-ing.
Off Topic, but President Obama just msappointed Chuck Hagel to the post of co-chair of the President's Intelligence Board.
Lathrop is a joke and should never have been elected. Had his opponnt run any type of halfway decent campaign in the primary the only thing we would know of him would be from those car chaser TV ads.
He lied to get elected, and is now being called out on his record.
Though! It's his record.
Lathrop Lackies...
See alot of harrangues here but no detailed defense of the votes listed.
Maybe you don't have any good answers?
And, you know who you can really blame for this? The Covalt/Rogers/Samp team--if they were doing their job you'd have a candidate for Gov. that the R's would be focusing on, instead of a state sen.
We're not being specific? That mailer is not exactly a well-researched piece. Here's a point by point refutation.
1) This vaguely-worded charge is an outright lie. LB 178 will direct an additional 5.7 million in state funding to care for those with developmental disabilities. Lathrop seems to be the only person in the Legislature who cares about this issue.
2) Plenty of Republicans votes for this bill. Enough to overturn the Gov's veto. Where is the NEGOP condemnation of them? Oh, and also, by "political" they mean "personal" More lies from the NEGOP!
3) This passed unanimously and was signed by a Republican governor. Weak.
4) Lathrop is Catholic. The Church is pretty clear on this one.
Prediction: Fahleson has stepped in it yet again, but the Gov will keep him around for at least awhile longer.
Respect to Mrs. Cavanaugh and the whole Cavanaugh family. Whether you liked their politics or not, let's give a shout out to a family devoted to public service and involvement in civic affairs.
Yes, I agree let's show some respect to Mrs. Cavanuagh who passed away at 90 yrs old yesterday. Just like we did for Lee Terry's mother. Let's acknowledge their efforts for public service and democracy in our city. thank you
Was she the Anne Batchelder of the Democrats? She is about 20 years out of my knowledge base and hasn't reached the historical phase yet.
Don't know her, but she must have been a Saint chasing after all those Cavanaugh boys. Personally, anyone who raises more than 3 children with more than 2 of them boys is a Saint!
Amen, God rest Mrs. Cavanaugh and Mrs. Batchelder. Two classy ladies of another ere.
Well, let's all assume that with all the righteous indignation from the Left on some of these "Bipartisan" votes, that they won't be using any of them against any Republicans next cycle?
-Why would Heineman be pissed at Mark? He vetoed some of them and would have liked to have vetoed others. The Gov seems like someone that knows how to pick his battles and apparently can win the war.
Dems are just pissed that they didn't get the piece out against an R first. Jealousy, plain and simple.
Anonymous 4:49--at least you offered a defense of Lathrop's votes--I'll credit you on that. All of the other posts were like, "Mommie . . . they're picking on little Stevie."
Having said that, let the fight begin. Your defense of #4 is pretty lame and avoids the issue. Steve had the chance to support lethal injection, but didn't. Pretty simple.
Again, you all bring this on yourself by not having any credible statewide candidates--otherwise, the NEGOP would be fighting there, not again Steve. You need to look in the mirror if you want to talk incompetence or lies.
Alot of ###s are being thrown around here...
So here are a few more:
NJ Gov--Research 2000
Christie 42
Corzine 41
VA Gov
McDonnell 53
Deeds 36
Two GOP pickups coming?
Let's hope. Deeds has done little to deserve winning in Virginia and Corzine has campaigned in a manner that would get him labeled a Bully in grade school.
Glad Cristie stayed forward thinking.
L A T H R O P L A C K I E S ...
Item #1, accoridng to the LJS, would have cost $162 mil. over 4 years.
Lathrop sponsored the bill--but it didn't advance out of cmtee.
Had it passed, we'd be looking at a deficit of over $500 mil--so it's probasbly good the other 48 senators didn't listen to Steve on this.
Anonymous 4:49--try again.
So, Steve's against abortion under any circumstances, ever, since that's the church's position?
Rethink this one--hiding behind the Pope ain't gonna do it for you.
But the other issue w/#1 is this: supposedly, this was Lathrop's major initiative--but it tanked. The bill went nowhere--so maybe we can talk about ineffectiveness too.
At least Steve didn't make us look like fools to the entire country
(as Tom White did) with White's safe haven no-age limit proposal.
Kinda fun watching the VA Gov race. Internals for McDonnell have it at 19, and internals for Deed's aren't much different.
Dem backers are moving to save delegate seats now and moving away from Deeds in general.
NJ will be interesting. It'll all depend on how much Daggett pulls. they higher his take over 7%, the more it hurts Cristie. If Dagget takes around 8-9% Cristie wins. Currently Daggett is polling around 13%. Look for the Republican camp tie Daggett and Corzine policies as tax and spenders at the hip in the final days.
NJ is too close to give anyone an advantage but I think Cristie wins very close. Lots of resources headed that way.
NY 23? Too much fire power on Hoffman's side but a three way race makes it closer than it should be. Hoffman in a three way squeaker.
Poll Cruncher--good points.
Rasmussen poll today has this for NJ:
Christie 46
Corzine 43
If Christie wins, it will be fun watching the post mortems on the Corzine campaign bringing up Christie's weight. Sleazy Dems.
Kudos to the folks posting here remembering Mrs. Cavanaugh--
And it's telling that there wasn't a peep about her posted by Vile Kyle over at NNN.
Anonymous 6:34--re: White.
Disagree with you about his 'accomplishments'. He brought national news and coverage to NE as a result of his no-age limit provision in the safe haven law.
Obviously, not a very swift idea though ...
Is anyone home at NDP HQ? Hello ...
You'd think the chairman and E.D. quietly resigned weeks ago...
When I made my original post on the topic, Cristie and Corzine were within a point and Daggett was polling at 13%. Since that time Cristie has opened up a two - three point lead. Daggett is now at 8 - 9%. As expected the lower daggett's numbers go, the more Cristie's grow.
I predict Cristie will win by 5 - 6%. Cristie is picking up the more conservative and mid-road "change" voters who had been polling for Daggett. Meanwhile, the more liberal Daggett supporters are going in a small % to corzine with more sitting the election out.
Virgina is so far gone Obama refused to go try and help for the last two weeks. McDonnell now looks to sweep in the entire slate of constitutionla officers AND make huge pick ups in the house of delegates.
NY 23 is over. On Friday night, the Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the race. She knew she couldn't win but might take away enough votes for the Democrat to win. Now, her voters will go mostly to Hoffman handing him an easy victory.
It'll be a great day for Republicans (or Conservatives in new York).
Poll ### guy--good analysis, but I'm not sure about the NY seat. Dede went squish and endorsed Owens supposedly after she was promised by the D's that she can run for re-election on their ticket. Meanwhile, one poll showed most of her people will go for Owens.
NJ and NY--very close!
John Muhammed (convicted of the 2002 DC-area murders) might get lethal injection next Tueday.
Steve L--pls defend why that's wrong.
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