Former Lincoln Mayoral candidate and Lincoln City Councilman Ken Svoboda lost his re-election bid yesterday, coming in fourth in the catch-as-catch-can Lincoln City Council election. The top three vote getters were Jayne Snyder (D), Adam Hornung (R), and Eugene Carroll (D).
This was apparently a pretty dirty race at all levels, but frankly we just didn't follow it that closely. But sometimes info is hard to come by. For instance, Svoboda was "unavailable for comment" by the LJS last night. Unavailable? No cell phone? Didn't make a statement at his campaign party?
Think there's room for a Lincoln politics blog?
And was Svoboda's loss by a mere 600 votes due to his Selleck-esque mustache? We have no idea.
The OWH endorsed Hal Daub today.
The gave the standard reason that everyone knows for voting for Daub: whip-smart, never stops working, a million ideas, superb record.
But what was telling was how harsh the OWH decided to go on Suttle. Example:
Then there is the issue of temperament. Daub isn’t known for being warm and fuzzy. But neither is Suttle. Far from being the nice guy who supposedly can make peace with everyone, Suttle has left a City Council record marked by his strained relations not only with his fellow council members but also with Mayor Mike Fahey. The record shows it.Ouch!!!
Four council members took the highly unusual step of voting to strip the funding from a $200,000 project Suttle had proposed. Suttle showed poor diplomatic skills when he disrespected Fahey by going to Washington, D.C., and attempting to negotiate for a bridge without Fahey’s knowledge. Due to that and other disagreements, relations between the two men were remarkably strained for years.
Early this year, Suttle handled matters with neighborhood associations during a public forum in such a way that leaders with seven of those associations wrote The World-Herald to express their opposition to his statements
And that's not even the whole thing. Take a look yourself.
(We still think Daub has a good chance in this election, even with the OWH's endorsement...)
The last you'll care about the money contest in the Omaha Mayor's race: Hal Daub clobbered Jim Suttle in total cash taken in, $1,012,558 to $693,020.
You remember hearing from Suttle partisans prior to the primary about how Suttle's fundraising shows how much support he has.
Will they give Daub his due here?
You remember hearing from Suttle partisans prior to the primary about how Suttle's fundraising shows how much support he has.
Will they give Daub his due here?
We will expect that right around the time Jim Suttle tells us how he plans to bring in 1,000 new jobs to Omaha. He has only had four years to think about it.

You heard Jim Esch tell you that Lee Terry was one of the most partisan, least easy to get along with, hated by the the Dems so-and-so this side of the Rockies.
You have heard it from the state and local Dems about Terry. And you will no doubt hear it from Tom White or whomever the Dems trot out next to take on Terry.
But one group you don't hear it from? His Democrat colleagues.
In a survey by The Hill of the House of Representatives, Democrats found Lee Terry to be one of the ten most bipartisan Republicans in the chamber. (The most partisan Democrat? Speaker Nancy Pelosi.)
Keep stories like that -- along with statements from Democrat Chairman John Dingell -- in mind the next time you hear the local Dems ranting and raving about Terry. They obviously don't know him.
Terry's Democrat colleagues in the House obviously do.
But one group you don't hear it from? His Democrat colleagues.
In a survey by The Hill of the House of Representatives, Democrats found Lee Terry to be one of the ten most bipartisan Republicans in the chamber. (The most partisan Democrat? Speaker Nancy Pelosi.)
Keep stories like that -- along with statements from Democrat Chairman John Dingell -- in mind the next time you hear the local Dems ranting and raving about Terry. They obviously don't know him.
Terry's Democrat colleagues in the House obviously do.
(Btw, Terry has a new official website. Check it out here.)
The Omaha World-Herald wrote one of the strongest endorsements I have seen for a candidate today in endorsing Hal Daub.
The endorsement was also VERY scathing of Jim Suttle.
Noted, and quickly updated.
What is it with Suttle and neighborhood associations?
He treats people at these like hicks. Disregards their concerns and suggestions, belittles them. He knows better, now go away!
That is what got him in trouble at the Stoney Brook meeting where he revealed his true feelings on illegal immigration.
Jon Blumenthal's NADC is showing $5,000 and Stothert's $40,000 cash on hand. Who is the "Driving Force" in fundraising!!!
That $5000 doesn't account for the negative mailer that hit on Friday, so you can subtract this too.
Word is a poll was conducted on CC5 on Monday showing Stothert actually increasing her margin from the primary. This poll was conducted AFTER Blumenthals desperate negative mailer filled with lies.
Who's running Blumenthal's horrible campaign? Jordan McGrain? Angela Kaiser? Whoever it is should NEVER be allowed to run a campaign EVER again.
Street Sweeper, how about a germane rule? The Stothert and Blumenthal folks are hijacking the thread again.
Tell you what Blumies and Jeanies, we'll have a post later in the week just about your candidates and ya'll can rip each other new ones.
In the mean time, try to address the subject posted.
I love the new Lee Terry website...very nice.
Go Hal! A well-deserved endorsement. As for the W-H, the endorsement is nice, but why is their editorial coverage so lacking in these gaping holes about Suttle. They never question him on anything he says -- or doesn't say. But they toss in negative words like "Daub argued . . ." and "Daub defended . . ." That's just p---poor reporting.
Might be because the World-Herald reporters actually have a background in journalism, unlike Terry Kroeger.
The strongest endorsement I've seen for a mayoral candidate -- and finally they call Suttle out on the circus he's been running. Wow. Can someone on the Editorial board please spill some of this common sense over to the reporters?
That was an extremely harsh editorial smackdown of Suttle by Nebraskan standards. Suttle should take that as good personal advice and start working on his shortcomings for the next election.
Intersting day here in Star City with a guy who had nearly won the mayoral election not too many months ago going down in flames. Granted, he had a few or more issues about taxes, government contracts and other things but oh well. The field here was thin at best for both sides and the turnout, all 19%, was pathetic at best.
Lincoln has reached the point of "we don't care because whomever it is will screw it up" mentality.
Have as much fun Omaha as we did with ours.
I tolerated your rant up until the "threat" business.
You can edit and resubmit.
And if you make any other claims, see if you can back them up.
Then again, your subject has nothing to do with today's post, so you should probably wait until tomorrow anyway.
When Svoboda ran for Mayor, he lost the primary by 10 points. He came back strong the month before the general because he got some professional help the last 3 weeks - but he lost because he couldn't execute the contracts his company had with the city.
This time around, he had a tax lien on his company and the State Democratic Party strung together a pattern, smacked him on radio, with daily newspaper ads, on-line advertising, absentee chase mailers, and push calls.
Scuttle is he hates to raise money and didn't raise what he needed to work his plan - but I think the real quesiton is why the State Republican Party kept their head in the sand while the Dems were spending time and energy.
Is anyone home at the GOP?
Star City Observer:
I think they're home, but only between the hours of 9am-4:30pm, Monday-Friday.
And they are much too busy to get involved in something like... an election.
I've seen a hell of a lot better Congressional Websites than that one piece of ugly that Lee has up.
Certainly won't win any awards.
Please list a few (by MoC name) so people can compare.
A Lincoln Blog? How could we ever compete Sweeper?
These are all the 2006 award winner for the Golden Mouse Awards. These are the best websites as determined by the non-partisan Congressional Management Foundation. Lee's Former website scored a "D". I don't see any improvement, especially in the design aspect of this website. With that lousy color scheme, I feel as if I'm looking at that stupid lousy black/white/gray license plate.
Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA)
Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA)
Rep. Marion Berry (D-AR)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)
Rep. John B. Larson (D-CT)
Rep. John Linder (R-GA)
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY)
Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL)
Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS)
Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA)
Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA)
Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY)
Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY)
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)
Rep. George Radanovich (R-CA)
Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX)
Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA)
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA)
Rep. John Carter (R-TX)
Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX)
Rep. John Culberson (R-TX)
Rep. David Dreier (R-CA)
Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX)
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA)
Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT)
Rep. John L. Mica (R-FL)
Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA)
Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND)
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR)
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA)
Furthermore, Where is that video. Oh yeah, below the fold. How stupid! I hate auto videos and that certainly won't win any awards, not to mention no one will visit again after the first time.
Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii has a really nice site. So does Roy Blunt. Oh, and Rep. Kenny Marchant from Texas. There's three for you to mull over. They are WAY better than Lee Terry's stupid looking site.
Hell, Mike Pence's website is much, much, much better.
Top 10 bipartisan List Mr. Lee Terry.
Not only does this prove that he doesn't LEAD anyone in the Republican party, it shows that the Dem's love that fact too. Lee is a nice gentleman as they go but we don't just need Congressmen who tend to vote the RIGHT way, they need to be able to articulate why they vote that way too. Lee, thanks for your service but it is time for someone who's a leader to be in the struggling Republican party. Maybe this Matt Sakalosky is the guy for us.
"maybe this Matt guy is the guy for us..."
Oh yeah, HE's the savior. Give us all a break, please.
I am still amazed as it has been pointed out so many times in the comments section.
The Suttle folks are still itemizing their campaign expenses down to the districts where they sent their vote by mail.
It's amazing, they completely give away what they are doing.
How much of Suttle's money is coming in the form of pass throughs?
I mean a huge in kind of $2x,xxx from a billboard company for billboard space isn't the same as cash money for ads and mailings.
And "River Bluffs Strategies" in Chamberlain, South Dakota $11,xxx.
Kinda odd that in a town of roughly 2,400, no one including the Chamber of Commerce has heard of it.
Perhaps the consultants got a little embarrassed about taking their candidate for a ride at such an expensive cost.
Especially since they just got punked in the OWH.
Good for you Sweeper: LOL LOL
That's a GREAT pic of Hal Daub standing downtown.
And, to compare and contrast it with Simple Suttle's pic standing in the same place a short while back. (you know, the one with his bubble head in the clouds)
Couldn't help but laugh when I noticed how much taller Hal is compared to the Woodmen Tower than Senor Suttle's pic.
Yep, Hal Daub is standing tall and proud. And, rightfully so !!!
And, Hal's suit is much nicer - he stands out !!!
Are you sure the dems weren't thinking about Terry Lee??
OK. We have a 2009 city election less than one week away and we are to focus our energy on the issue of who loves Lee Terry and why Jim Esch was wrong in 2008?
OMG! I just saw the best commercial of the campaign season. You have to find a copy of it sweeper. It was for the write-in candidate for Mayor. I think his name was Medlock or something and he was dressed as Santa Claus. He wanted to liquidate the Qwest Center to lower property taxes. That's bad when a write-in candidate comes up with a better spot than Jim Suttle. I'm saying that semi-jokingly although some may agree with that.
He wants to sell the Qwest Center and the Airport. So, I guess the analogy is that when times are tough instead of working harder and getting a 2nd job, you just sell your car and your house and figure out where to live and how to get to your job later? What a nut.
As for the Lee Terry post, I can only say that it is about time we have a politician that is more interested in bringing about policy change than just being the center of attention.
I wonder how much more work gets done in those committees each week compared to what doesn't get done on the House floor all year?
That was a great OWH article ! They know who to endorse and for all the right reasons. Daub should be proud ! Suttle should be embarrassed. They couldn't come right out and call him an idiot. But it was pretty close.
It was interesting how they noted
alot of his shortcomings, however, they forgot some. It was really great that they mentioned his personality/character/temperment.
And, that he's not very diplomatic
Sure hope alot of people read it.
Hey, I've just gotta say, this Santa Clause guy that wants to have a garage sale with the Qwest Center and city assets has much better ideas and more concrete plans than Suttle. Perhaps he and Jim can form committee to see what people want to do someday about something...someday...maybe. In the meantime, they can ring bells outside of stores to raise money for the city shortfalls in cash. They can invite the Pope. He likes Christmas, and would make one heckuva saucer-sledder in the stadium. (Jim, icksnay on your positions on abortionay...the Pope doesn't like that).
Jm Suttle will win on Tuesday...and monkeys will fly out of my behind.
Hey Folks - keep up on the news !!!
Because the OWH editors already have made up there minds. What a wonderful mayoral coverage today.
Remember, VOTE for HAL DAUB !!!
"DON'T Settle for Suttle"
Daub will make you proud and Daub WON'T be an embarrassment to our fine city.
That Suttle has already proven to be !!!
WOW, Man ! - Far Out ! Check out Suttle's new ride. It's almost psychodelic. Cool orange !
Yey, Man and Check out Suttle's dancing girls, sure wish I had whatever they're on !
(Advice to All) Forget the goofy ads and pay attention to the facts.
Vote May 12th, Back to the Future with Hal Daub !!!
Don't Settle for Suttle
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