Remembering those who lost their lives and saluting those who worked to save others on September 11th, 2001.

And from John McCain this morning in Shanksville, PA:
No American living then should ever forget the heroism that occurred in the skies above this field on September 11, 2001. It is believed that the terrorists on United Flight 93 may have intended to crash the airplane into the United States Capitol. Hundreds if not thousands of people would have been at work in that building when that fateful moment occurred, and been destroyed along with a beautiful symbol of our freedom. They and, very possibly I, owe our lives to the passengers who summoned the courage and love necessary to deny our depraved and hateful enemies their terrible triumph."
I have witnessed great courage and sacrifice for America's sake, but none greater than the sacrifice of those good people who grasped the gravity of the moment, understood the threat, and decided to fight back at the cost of their lives.
I have witnessed great courage and sacrifice for America's sake, but none greater than the sacrifice of those good people who grasped the gravity of the moment, understood the threat, and decided to fight back at the cost of their lives.
Let's set aside partisan bickering and rumors on the comments section for one time and pay tribute.
Let's Roll...
We will have another post up later today. Please put your comments there.
Thank you for reminding us of why we are fighting for everyone's rights and freedoms. I will never forget how I felt on September 11, 2001.
I will never forget the look on my neighbor's face as she juggled 2 telephones, one connected to her mother and the other connected to her mother-in-law. She was waiting to hear from her husband, at the Pentagon. We watched the television to try and figure out what side the plane hit. The relief on her face when she figured out which side it was. She then calmed her moms, hung up, and patiently waited (as only a military wife can) for her husband's call. It came and he was fine, but she did not get to see him for 2 days. She was undaunted by that prospect.
Even if you can't bring yourself to pray for our Country and the enemies that hate us, please find it in your heart to pray for all of our military families. They need it. They deserve it. It is the least we can do.
I the spirit of both John McCain and Barack Obama making a joint appearance and setting aside politics, here was Barack Obama's statement today:
“Today, we honor the memory of the lives that were lost on September 11, 2001, and grieve with the families and friends who lost someone they loved in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We will never forget those who died. We will always remember the extraordinary efforts of our firefighters, police and emergency responders, and those who sacrificed their own lives on Flight 93 to protect their fellow Americans. And we give thanks for the Americans defending us every day in our communities at home, and in our military abroad.
“On 9/11, Americans across our great country came together to stand with the families of the victims, to donate blood, to give to charity, and to say a prayer for our country. Let us renew that spirit of service and that sense of common purpose. Let us remember that the terrorists responsible for 9/11 are still at large, and must be brought to justice. Let us resolve to defeat terrorist networks, defend the American homeland, stand up for the enduring American values that we cherish, and seek a new birth of freedom at home and around the world.”
To the heroes of 9/11 - may they never be forgotten.
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