Republican Governor Primary Odds
Tom Osborne 5:4
Dave Heineman 4:1
Dave Nabity 50:1
Tom Osborne
As it’s been said before, King TO really should just have to show up, say some Governorly things, and he wins by a ridiculous margin. Funny thing is, he doesn’t seem to be taking it that easy. He’s already taken cuts at Heineman, which leads one to believe that maybe he (or his polls) knows something we don’t. Maybe, just maybe, there are some chinks in the king’s armor? Naahhhhhhhhh.
But still… if he continues to say dumb things, (like saving a $100 million by cutting down on teenage drinking), and refuses to take a position on the school district issue, (and ENOUGH with the football! A Barry Switzer fundraiser? Ohhhhh yeah; you were a FOOTBALL coach. Yeah TO, we get it…) maybe with the perfect storming of the castle, ol’ Dave could have a shot… (and that’s why TO doesn’t get the 1:1 odds.)
Dave Heineman
Heineman seems to be doing the right things. He has the respect of many party leaders. He swung the endorsement of Chuck Hagel and the GOP contingent of the Omaha City Council. He’s got plans for the budget and the school issues (either of which may be great or may be guff, not really sure yet). And any other year, he’d have a really good chance of staying Governor. But not this year. So of course, at some point he’ll have to go negative. He’ll need something to really make Nebraskans question the King of the
Dave Nabity
Some other year Nabity may have had a shot. Word on
Note: As mentioned before, this series on odds for the Nebraska elections is for amusement purposes only, and should not be seen as endorsement for illegal gambling or the Trump Council Bluffs Hotel and Casino.
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